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Planning video ideas is always fun, of course, but tiring. So tiring in fact that Brett immediately after they were done found himself half asleep in his bed. Eddy had gone out to grocery shop for them a while ago, and Brett was more or less just listening for him to return before he'd let himself fall asleep properly. He fell asleep before Eddy returned anyway, simply unable to keep his eyes open any longer.

"Brett?" He opened his eyes and turned towards the sound of the familiar voice, barely making out Eddy in the doorway of his dark room.
"Hey", he mumbled in a tired voice, rubbing his eyes. It had become a lot darker out since Brett fell asleep.
"Can I sleep here with you?" he asked a bit sheepishly with a tremble in his voice, still not moving from the doorway as if waiting permission. Brett sat up a bit more in bed and held out his arms towards Eddy.
"Of course, come here", he said, following Eddy with his eyes as he crawled into his bed and cuddled up on his chest.
"Sorry for waking you", he mumbled, finally able to relax in Brett's arms. Brett kissed the top of his head softly.
"It's alright. Did something happen?"
Eddy sighed and pulled the duvet up to his chin so it would cover more of the both of them.
"Just a silly nightmare", he mumbled, feeling Brett's hand run up and down his arm softly. "Nothing to worry about, really. Just needed you a bit closer."
Brett tried to choke back a yawn. He was so incredibly sleepy, but at the same time he wanted to be there for Eddy.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, moving slightly to lie in a better position.
Eddy closed his eyes, sighing.
"It was really nothing, I don't really remember it properly even", he said, looking up at Brett. "Something about rumours spreading that turned the fans against us, which is silly because they're all as in love with that smile of yours as I am, so that could never happen."
Brett chuckled and placed a kiss on Eddy's forehead. "Well aren't you sweet", he said with a big yawn. His entire body wanted to go back to sleep, but his brain wanted to be awake with Eddy.
"I try my best", Eddy mumbled before placing his head in a better position on Brett's chest. "I'm sorry I woke you up, we should sleep."
Brett ran a hand comfortingly through Eddy's hair.
"No need to apologize for that, but I am all for the sleeping part if I'm honest."
Eddy smiled warmly against the white t-shirt covering Brett's chest.
"Nighty then", Eddy mumbled.
"Night", Brett replied, waiting for Eddy's quiet snoring to start up before closing his eyes and giving in to his body's wish to sleep.

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