69. (nsfw)

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//NSFW ish//

Eddy really felt the nerves when Brett hugged him from behind and kissed the back of his neck softly as he cooked a simple dinner for them that evening. Brett had to tiptoe to reach to rest his head on Eddy's shoulder, and leaned more onto him.

"Do you have any idea about how hot you are when you're cooking?" he breathed, and Eddy got a hint of redness over his cheeks as he moved the vegetables around in the frying pan, making sure every bit of them were covered in the sauce.

"Yeah? I guess my workout routine is working then," Eddy replied, trying to sound confident when he really wanted to hide from nervousness.
Brett pressed his lips softly to the side of his neck.

"Oh yeah, you look amazing," Brett purred in his ear, and Eddy's blush increased along with his nerves. He switched off the stovetop when he was happy with the vegetables an the sauce.

"If you keep going like this, we'll have to fuck before dinner," Eddy said followed by a nervous laugh before turning to face Brett. "But I'm starving. Okay for you if we eat first?"
Brett kissed him quickly.
"Of course, love. You're just too gorgeous, I can't help myself."

Eddy got each of them a helping of the rice and vegetables he'd made and served it to Brett already sitting at the table.
"Thank you, looks amazing," Brett smiled up at him. Eddy shrugged.
"I hope it's edible, honestly," he said, sitting down with his own plate.

They ate in silence. The food was edible, but not fantastic. Brett had gone even quieter tham before and it made Eddy even more stressed than before.

"I'm nervous," Eddy finally admitted. "Like, a lot."
Brett looked up at him.
"About butt stuff?" he asked, sounding all serious. Eddy nodded.
"I guess that's understandable," Brett said, nodding to himself. "We don't have to though, if you don't want to. I don't want to pressure you or anything."

Eddy furrowed his brows, rubbing his forehead.
"I don't know, man. It freaks me out, but if it is as good as you say I'd want that too, you know?" His face got redder as he spoke, and Brett leaked over the table and placed his hand in Eddy's forearm.

"I guess you won't know without trying, though?" he mumbled, cheeks turning slightly pink himself. He turned away. "God, it really feels like I'm pressuring you now. I swear we don't have to, it's really no need if you don't want that."

Eddy hesitated. Was he just pressured into wanting this? He had never wanted to try this before, but had he even seen Brett's face as he had what he described as the wildest orgasm of his life before?

"We'll try," he finally decided. "Let's just clean up here first, yeah?"
Brett smiled at him and leaned over the table to kiss him softly.
"I'll make sure you feel good, no worries," Brett said with a smile before getting up and collecting their plates so he could clean them.

Brett hadn't even gotten further than placing the dishes in the kitchen sink before Eddy had stood up and placed his arms around him from behind.

"I changed my mind, we can clean later," Eddy mumbled, kissing just below Brett's ear. "I can't deal with the nerves anymore."
Brett breathed out heavily, but made his hands continue with the dishes.
"We really should do the dishes first, or else they'll stink tomorrow."
"I'll do them after."

Brett couldn't help but snort atbthat statement.
"I can guarantee that's not what you'll want to do after," he said, tilting his head slightly to give Eddy better access. Eddy bit down on his ear gently as Brett got some dish soap for the plates.
"Come onnn, I don't wanna wait..." Eddy mumbled, still holding Brett's ear lightly between his teeth.

Brett let the dishes go, feeling Eddy's hand slowly slide down his stomach.
"Fuck, Eddy," Brett sighed, leaning back against him. "Let's move to the bed so we won't break anything, yes?"

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