83. (nsfw)

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//NSFW //

"So what did you get for my birthday?" Eddy asked with a laugh, having Brett pinned down by his wrists on the bed and straddling him. His birthday was tomorrow, and Brett had teased him about it all day. It was getting s bit much, and after a playful tickle fight Eddy had enough.

"Not telling," Brett grinned, looking up at Eddy's frustrated face. He thought Eddy was rather hot being frustrated like that, but there was no way in hell he was telling him that.

"I'll let you fuck me if you tell me," Eddy offered in a desperate attempt to convince him to tell him, but Brett just laughed.

"Tempting, but I could make you beg to be fucked any day so I'm not worried." Brett's sly smile and snarky reply made Eddy even more frustrated, but there was no way in hell he was backing down from that challenge.

"Dream on, you're good, but I have some self control you know," Eddy shot back. "Besides, I seem to remember you begging to be..."

Eddy's voice trailed off into a heavy exhale as Brett lifted his leg and rubbed it lightly against Eddy's groin.
"Begging to be what, huh?" Brett grinned, laughing a bit at how easily he could take down Eddy.

"As if you're any better," Eddy mumbled, forcing his brain to ignore the touch as he leaned down to kiss Brett's neck on the spot he knew would make Brett feel good. He was right.

"God you're good," Brett exhaled, automatically tilting his head to the side. "You... you're cheating, though... by holding my hands."

"Tell me what you're getting me for my birthday and I'll let you go," Eddy said with a grin, moving to hold Brett's wrists with one hand.

Brett snorted.
"Yeah, nah, not happening," he grinned teasingly, allowing Eddy to restrain him. He would ve lying if he said he didn't think it was hot. "Just let me fuck you instead, I'm sure you'll beg for it anyway soon."

Brett had to give up a light moan as Eddy snuck his hand down and gently massaged the front of his trousers. It did feel good, and there wasn't much else he could do anyway.

"God yeah, make me nice and hard so you can ride me," Brett teased as a moan and Eddy quickly got a beautiful pink colour of his cheeks.

"Stop making it weird, goddamnit," Eddy groaned and let him go before rolling over to lie next to him. "I only said it as a joke, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that."

Brett turned to kiss his cheek quickly.
"I'm not gonna make you, love," he began before a grin spread over his face. "I'll make you ask for it."

With that he slipped down Eddy's sweatpants and snuck his hand down into Eddy's underwear to rub him gently. Eddy was already hard, and he had no choice but to moan lightly.

"Well good luck with that," Eddy sighed, grabbing a hold of the pillow he was resting his head on. "But if you want to try and convince me, feel free."

Brett reached to the bedside table to get the lube closer, just leaving it next to them on the mattress.
"But you're okay with being fingered like last time?" he asked as he pulled down Eddy's underwear.

Eddy nodded hesitantly.
"Yeah, yeah. Okay," he said, closing his eyes. It was getting frustrating how lightly Brett was stroking him.

He jumped a bit when he heard the lid of the lube snap open with a little click.
"B... But be careful, okay? I'm not... I'm not used to it like you are," he stuttered, looking at Brett's sly face. It made him nervous.

"Of course, babe. I'm all about making you feel good, nothing else," Brett smiled and leaned down to kiss Eddy's stomach quickly before lubing his fingers up. "My goal is to make you wanna get fucked, remember?"

"Tell me my birthday present and I'll let you fuck me right now," Eddy offered again, but Brett snorted.

"That's no fun. I'll consider it if this takes too long," Brett said before slipping one finger inside Eddy. "Let me know if it hurts, though."

Eddy squealed as the finger brushed past his prostate and lightning bolts of pleasure shot through his body.

"Does that feel good?" Brett asked in a low voice before gently moving his other hand to lightly brush around his hardness. Eddy moaned and shifted slightly.

Brett responded by touching his prostate lightly again and grinned when Eddy twisted, attempting to thrust his hips up against his hand.

"Fuck, it does," Eddy admitted, leaning his head back. "Feels... full..."

Brett snorted.
"You're nowhere near full, love, I promise you. Wanna feel two fingers, babe?"

Eddy opened his mouth to answer, but as he did Brett made sure to move his finger slightly on its way out and touch the spot again.

"Fuck okay," Eddy moaned, grabbing a pillow and pressing it to his chest. "J.. Just..."

"Be careful, of course babe," Brett continued for him as he slid another finger in. Eddy's jaw dropped and he forgot to breathe for a second. It didn't help when Brett began moving his fingers in amd out of him slowly, still with his other hand brushing over Eddy's growing hardness.

"Holy shit," Eddy muttered as the sparks of pleasure moved through his entire body and not just around his groin area as it usually was. This was fucking great.

"You up to get fucked yet, babe?" Brett asked, but Eddy just moaned as a reply. It wasn't until Brett pulled his fingers out Eddy found his voice back.

"Tell me my present first," he breathed, grinning at Brett who obviously was growing hard from seeing how much Eddy was enjoying himself.

"Very tempting right now, if I'm honest," Brett mumbled before crawling up to kiss Eddy quickly.

Eddy kissed him back, running a finger gently over the soft spot on his neck.
"You know you wanna," Eddy purred, licking his lower lip. "Just say it and you can."

Brett groaned and kissed Eddy's neck.
"Fine, I'll tell you. You're too hot not to get fucked," Brett grinned and sat up to get slicked up. A wave of nervousness washed through Eddy.

Brett got as far as on his knees between Eddy's legs before stopping.
"You sure you want to know already? It's just a few hours left," Brett asked, and Eddy nodded, licking his lip nervously.

"Fine," Brett shrugged and positioned himself against Eddy's opening. "It's a trip to Paris, we're going tomorrow afternoon."

"Wha...? Oh shit," Eddy moaned as Brett pushed himself inside. It didn't hurt, and the way it felt when he brushed past that spot was intoxicating.

Brett didn't move further after getting himself inside him.
"You okay, babe?" Brett breathed, having to force himself to not thrust again. The way it felt pressing around him was insane.

Eddy nodded, whimpering slightly with frustration.
"A trip to Paris? You're serious?" he breathed, meeting Brett's hungry eyes.

"Can I fuck you now and we'll talk about this after?" Brett groaned, and Eddy nodded eagerly.

"Please fuck me, Brett," he whispered and closed his eyes. God this was good.

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