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5 years ago

He's a jerk.

Taehyung kept on repeating those words in his mind, reminding himself not to get carried away every time he accidentally crossed paths with Jungkook around the campus.

It's been a week since the last time they talked, which didn't actually turned out according to what the blonde had expected.

He had dried his tears for the past few days, feeling so hurt after finding out that his first kiss had turned into waste.

That jerk.

His hatred for the ravenette was up the roof, to the point that he just wanted to erase his existence in this world.

But of course that's just his way of making himself remember that he should stop ogling and fantasizing about the man just like what he's doing now.

Jimin and him were sitting on the bench surrounding the university's field. They still have 2 hours to spare before their next class, so they decided to hang out on the field.

Which was not a good idea, considering that Jungkook and his friends came shortly, taking the empty bench a couple of seats away from the two.

As soon as he saw them coming, Taehyung's mood drop, and yet he couldn't stop himself from sparing a glance or two towards the ravenette's direction.

"You're still not talking to him?" Jimin asked, noticing him glancing once more.

Taehyung retracted his gaze. "There's nothing to talk about." He said, trying his best to look the other way.

Jimin sighed. "You know Tae, I don't think he meant the words he said."

The blonde furrowed his brows at his best friend's words. "That's impossible Chim. You should've seen his face that time. He meant it. He's just a jerk who likes to play with anyone's feelings." He uttered, anger starting to rise once more.

Jimin shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, Tae."

"Don't tell me you're actually siding with him?" Taehyung muttered, feeling a bit hurt.

"No.. Of course not. It's just that... I think there's a reason why he would suddenly act like a total jerk. Based on what Yoongi had told me, Jungkook's not the kind of person who would say those things." Jimin reasoned out, making the crease on Taehyung's forehead go deeper.

"Whatever his reason is, I don't care. If he wanted to tell me that, he should've just spat it on my face. But he didn't. So I'll just accept the things he said and move on." Taehyung abruptly stood, dusting off his pants before facing his best friend.

"It's just a kiss anyway. Not really a big deal." He shrugged his shoulders before continuing. "I could just kiss any other guy and get it over with."

Jimin shook his head, disbelieving his words but didn't argue anymore.

"Okay. If that's what you truly feel." He said, forcing a smile.

The two went ahead due to Taehyung's request. He couldn't stand being too near to where Jungkook is, not to mention breathing the same air as him.

They still have a lot of time to spare but decided to just spend it on the library.

Taehyung was busy browsing some art books when Jimin came to his side.

"Tae, baby. I'm gonna head out." He said, pointing towards the door.

The blonde looked and saw Yoongi standing by the doorway, waiting for Jimin.

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