Thirty Five

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Famous personalities in the fashion world attended the New York Fashion Week at Skylight Clarkson Square.

Among the attendees were Taehyung and his friends, Jimin and Seokjin, who were all excited to witness another fashion event for a cause.

"You look gorgeous in that cream suit, my dear." Jimin uttered, complimenting Taehyung who could only smile.

"You do, too."

He was trying his hardest to uplift his spirits, not wanting to worry his friends at such an amazing event.

They were all looking forward for this occasion, and Taehyung did not want to ruin it just because he could not keep his emotions in check.

"Where's Jin?" Namjoon suddenly entered the room as he went looking for his boyfriend.

"Still in the powder room."

"Still? We'll be heading out in 5. What's taking him so long?"

The two shrugged in response just in time for Jin to appear, looking beyond perfect.

"I heard my name. What's up?" Jin asked which made Namjoon sigh.

"You'll put other models to shame with how beautiful you look."

The compliment made Jin blush while Jimin and Taehyung could only groan at the sight of them flirting.

"Can we just go?" Jimin commented as he rolled his eyes, earning a laugh from the group.

"Sorry. Shall we?" Namjoon offered his hand to Jin who immediately took it and intertwined their fingers.

"Wow. Excuse me? What are we here? Your bodyguards?" Jimin blurted as the couple headed towards the door, totally enjoying the look of jealousy in his eyes.

"I'm calling Yoongi."

His outburst had them laughing once more, and finally, Taehyung was able to forget his worries as he ended up laughing with them.

As they approached the runway, they were recognized by a few reporters and fashion critics and were asked for an interview.

Namjoon handled the press quite well while the three models found their way to the front seat where their names were written for reservation.

"I feel like a VIP." Jimin sassily uttered, running a hand over his hair.

"You are a VIP." Jin indulged, earning a flying kiss from the other.

Taehyung, on the other hand, could only shake his head as a small smile crept on his lips.

He told his friends to sit after noticing the people around started to settle down.

"What are we going to do after this?" He asked as soon as they were properly seated.

"I don't know. Should we go bar hopping?" Jimin suggested in enthusiasm.

"Namjoon won't agree, I tell you." Jin retorted, earning a pout from the latter.

"We don't have any schedule for tomorrow, right? It's going to be all right." Jimin continued to persuade.

"Still a no."

"Don't be such a spoilsport. Taehyung, you're coming with me, okay?" Jimin had his eyes on Taehyung and was practically urging him to say yes.

"Let's ask Namjoon."

His answer had Jimin groaning in frustration.

"The both of you should chill, really. It's like I'm in the wrong group."

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