Thirty Seven

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"Stop drinking, Tae. You're going to regret it tomorrow."

Jimin took the glass away from Taehyung who was clearly drunk after chugging too much alcohol.

"I'm not drunk. Give it back."

He reached for his glass, but Jimin was quick to move away.

"I'll tell Namjoon-hyung that you're behaving like a total lunatic right now." Jimin warned, but Taehyung just snickered before grabbing a bottle of beer from the table next to them.

"Tell him. I don't care." He aimed to drink the vile liquid in one go, but Jimin was way faster.

"This crazy bitch is out of his fucking mind!"

He grabbed the bottle and apologetically returned it to the people from the next table.

"Sorry about that. He's too drunk to even know what he's doing." Jimin uttered, bowing a little before dragging Taehyung by the arm.

"We're going home." He firmly stated, forcing the other to stand despite his hazy state.

"But I'm-I'm not finished!" Taehyung bellowed, struggling away from Jimin's grip but to no avail.

"Don't test my patience, or I'll drag you by the neck."

Despite the struggles and headaches Taehyung had caused, Jimin finally dragged him out of the pub before causing another scene.

"I can't believe this night would turn into a nightmare." Jimin huffed, drained from supporting a drunkard out on the street.

"Get your act together. I'll hail you a cab." Jimin said, leaving Taehyung sitting on the pavement with a bottle of water in hand.

His head was aching, vision hazy from the alcohol, yet his mind could only think of nothing else but Jungkook.

Still Jungkook.

He thought drinking away would let him escape from these thoughts, but it only made him feel worse.

"Fuck it... fuck it!"

The bottle slipped from his grasp, spilling the water on his clothes.

He watched as it rolled down the pavement and stopped in the middle of the street before a car ran over it, crushing it and draining the water until the last drop.


Taehyung found himself laughing amidst the tears that fell from his eyes.

"What a fool."

There were few glances thrown his way, but he couldn't care less.

In his mind, nothing had registered. All he could think about was the announcement of Jungkook's marriage days ago.

It should've been him by his side.

"He loves me. I know he loves me still."

In the busy street and the loud noise, Taehyung knew he's convincing no one but himself.

As he was drowning in his own loneliness and regret, he felt Jimin's hands helping him up.

"Let's get you home." He carefully walked him to the cab and was about to get in with him, but Taehyung stopped him.

"I can manage, Chim."

"No. I'll send you home-"

"I've sobered up. I'll be fine."

Jimin stared at him for a long while before sighing in defeat.

"Call me once you're home, okay?"

A small nod was Taehyung's response before telling the driver the address.

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