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A couple of knocks coming by the door had Jungkook stirring on his bed. He lazily reached for his phone underneath his pillow to check for the time.

It was already 12 minutes past 5 in the afternoon, and he was still feeling tired and sleepy.

This had been Jungkook's routine every time he would be in the house. To avoid unnecessary interaction with the people he didn't want to come across in the household, he would just spend his entire day in his room, sleeping throughout the day.

A couple more knocks came followed by the opening of the door.

"Sir, your father is requesting you in his office."

Jungkook groaned at the mention of his father. It's unusual for the older to be home, more so be interested to see him.

He could just count from his fingers the number of times he would see his father for a year, so it's really unusual that he would look for him.

"What for?" Jungkook asked as he sat on the bed and looked at the maid who had her head hanging low.

"I do not have any idea, sir." She uttered which made Jungkook sigh.

"I'll go there in a bit." Jungkook responded before dismissing the maid who silently left his room and closed the door.

As soon as he was left alone, Jungkook immediately looked for clothes that were 'decent' as what his father would always tell him to wear.

In no time, Jungkook was already in front of his father's office which would only be opened when the latter was around.

He didn't have to knock as the maid already opened the door for him after announcing his presence.

The moment the door opened, Jungkook immediately saw his father sitting behind the desk.

"Father.." Jungkook greeted but the other didn't even spare him a glance.

"I heard you asked for me." He continued which made his father finally look up.

Those dark eyes seemed to grow darker from under those glasses.

"Get ready. We're having dinner outside." Jungho said before darting his eyes back on the papers he's been working on.

"What's the occasion?" Jungkook didn't stop himself from asking.

He heard his father sigh before looking back at him again in the eyes.

"Is there a need for reason for a family to have dinner outside?" Jungho asked which made Jungkook's brow meet in almost a single line.

"For starters, we're not family." Jungkook retorted, saying the last word as if it was a poison in his mouth.

He saw how his father's brow arched as he stared at him. It was the kind of look that told him not to speak anymore or else the consequence wouldn't be pleasant at all.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" Jungho asked in a dangerously low voice.

Jungkook didn't say anything as he bowed a little before excusing himself and get ready for a dinner with his play pretend family.


Taehyung had been gazing at the ceiling as he waited for the ravenette's message.

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