Chapter 19: Plain ignorant

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First things first... Hi!! So sorry for the slow update... umm here you go...

"Let's!" I said as both of them immediately got up.

Jay ran off to the shop while TOP ran to his room. I was waiting for them as TOP came back with... A.......... A........ A cat!!!!!!!!!!

"His name is Tabi. Say hello to him." TOP said.

"OMG! I love cats!" I said.

"Well, I love him... Or should I say, 'her'?" TOP replied.

"I'm speechless... When did you ever had a cat?" I asked.

"I found her yesterday night. She was injured and she was limping. So I brought her to the vet. I paid eight thousand dollars for her surgery." TOP said.

"OMG... You saved her life... I must say... I'm impressed with you. I give you four points." I said. For me, you judge a man by the way he treats an animal. So... TOP loves a cat. He deserves four points.

"Thank you for the points. Here, carry the cat." He said with a smile.

"Hey Tabi! I'm Lisa!" I blabbered to the cat when I carried her.

Jay came back after a while and he brought back a Gucci-branded-bag.

"Hey! I got you a new bag!" Jay said.

"A bag? Seriously? A. Bag?" I said in disbelief. What does he think I am? A bag lover? By the way, I am not a fan of high heels, fancy bags, fancy clothes. I just have a few of them that I don't wear very often.

"You don't like it? And what's that you're carrying? Is it a gigantic and furry mouse?" Jay asks.

'OMG... He doesn't even know what a cat looks like. And worst! He doesn't even know what a cat is!' I thought to myself. I stared at him and said,

"Negative two points for you."

"What! But it's a Gucci handbag! I thought most girls like it!" Jay said.

"Well... If you had just give me the bag, then I would have given you two points... But the problem was,---" I was cut off by TOP.

"You didn't even know what a cat is."

"What's a cat?" Jay asks, acting innocent.

"This! Is a cat, Jay..." I said, getting fed up.

"Oh... Okay... Why does it look like a... A... Why does it look so horrible? I mean... It looks ugly..." Jay said.

"Jay... Forget about winning... You lost... So... Don't try." I said.

"No! I'm sure that TOP cheated. Most girls love Gucci bags!" Jay said.

"Wow! You still wanted to debate? Can't you just accept the fact that you're ignorant?" I said.

"I'm not ignorant." He answered.

I sighed and looked at TOP. I gave him his cat and took my bag.

"Tabi... I'll see you again next time. Seung Hyun... I'm going home. Jay... Don't be so ignorant." I walked out the door and went back inside my house.

My gawd! I never knew somebody who is so plainly ignorant! Ugh... TOP really is a kind hearted man. It's coz he treats an animal so tenderly.

I gotta take a nap! My head is spinning for no reason!


Hi! This is a very short chapter.... I know that... but i promise i'll update soon. so don't cha worry. BY THE WAY... i dont have any thoughts of making Jay Park as somebody who has a bad character. It's just part of the story... and these few chapters are of LITOP. i think Lino and Lihan is falling behind a bit... But dont worry, im gonna make them have their moments.






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