Chapter 4: What's wrong with that?

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We were now walking to school. Mino was soooooo not listening when I explained to him how to do his homework.

Mino was walking beside me. When he puts his left arm around my shoulders and I blushed. I admit that I had a crush on Choi Seung Hyun, but Mino doesn't fail to melt my heart.

'What are you thinking!? Mino is your bestest friend, you couldn't like him!' I thought to myself as I shook my head roughly.

"What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable with my hands on your shoulders?" Mino asked. His voice was so deep.

"N-no! It's fine! You can stay like this forever." I said as I blushed when I realize what I had just said.


"N-no! It's fine! You can stay like this forever." I noticed that Lisa was blushing after what she had said.

I pulled her closer as I looked down, obviously blushing. Lisa was so cute. I had loved Lisa since we were freshmans. I looked up to look at Lisa and found her staring at a guy across the road. The guy was wearing his headphones, listening to music. He looked so familiar. I squinted my eyes at the guy as I realized that he was Choi Seung Hyun. I looked at Lisa and frowned. She suddenly looked at me and plastered on a clueless face.

I snapped back to reality and smile to Lisa.

"We're here." I said

"Huh? Where?" Lisa asked while looking around. She noticed the huge school gate.

I laughed at her as I pinched her cheeks. She yelped softly in pain. As she frowned at me. Lisa rarely frowns. Only when she is so super mad and frustrated then she frowns. This time I wasn't scared of her frown as I kissed her cheeks.

"Yah! Song Min Ho!!!!!!" Lisa screamed at me as everybody that was around us stared at us.

"Ok, ok. I won't do it again." I said while raising both of my hands. We walked to class and was just in time as the bell rang seconds after we entered our class.

The "oh-so-great" Choi Seung Hyun and his beautiful girlfriend, Park Bom, entered the class too.

I was sitting on the desk that was on Lisa's right. Bom was sitting on her left as Choi Seung Hyun sat on Bom's left.

We were now actually in a row.


"Hi!" Bom exclaimed to me.

"Hi! Omo! You look beautifs today." I said.

"Hehe. Thank you. You're also cute-looking." Bom replied my praise with another praise.

"Are you guys lesbo!?" Mino and Hyunie said together.(A/N: Lesbo means Lesbian.) All four of us laughed together. For a not-standing-out girl talking to the most prettiest girl and the most handsome boy in the whole school is a pretty much a big deal.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked.

"Nothing, but it is so awkward for a girl to praise each other." Mino said

"No it is no--" Mino cut me off by saying a sentence that made me blush,

"But I think you're cute."

"Yah... Song Min Ho... I'm gonna kill you." I blurted out.

"Relax! I'm only saying that as a friend..." Mino said, obviously defending himself.

"Whatevs'!" I almost shouted at Mino.

Our teacher entered and we started our lesson. This is sooo gonna be a long day .


Hi!~~ I'm so feeling happy! I don't know why?






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