Chapter 10: See You... My FRIEND

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Hyun suk oppa, Mino, Bom and seung hyun is with Adel unnie and me at the airport. It's the day... The day has come.

I was so sad that I felt like crying. But I just held back my tears, coz I know that if I cried, it'll be like a virus. Yesterday night, I called Bom and told her that I was leaving. Both of us was crying over the phone.

"Mino! I'm gonna miss you so much... Bommie! I'll miss you too.

Oppa!! I will definitely miss you." I said to each and everyone that was there with us. Except for Seung Hyun. It was a bit awkward for me. And by the way, he was just here coz his girlfriend was here. She probably begged him to come along.

All of us came in a group hug and I wish that the time would suddenly freeze right this moment like in the movies. Or we could just change the past. I put on a smile, not showing my sadness. My sis saw my happy vibe and that made her become happy as well.

After chatting with Mino for awhile, Seung Hyun pulled me to the side and stared at my face.

"Wae-yo(Why?)?" I asked. I felt a little bit awkward from the closeness between us. I know that he wouldn't feel anything coz he definitely doesn't have any feelings towards me, but for me... Well... You know that I like him. And its also because of conversations that doesn't happen to much between us.

Seung Hyun hugged me. I was shocked at his sudden embrace.

"Y-yah... Wae?(Why?)" I asked him. I stuttered a bit. Shit! Why must I act so awkwardly to him. Act normally... That's how Bom got his attention.

"See you... My Friend." He emphasized the word friend and my slight smile was fading. I wished I was his GIRLFRIEND instead of a FRIEND.

I smiled a bit bitterly now and looked at him. I hugged him back.

"Haha. See you too, Seung Hyun-ah" I laughed. He smiled at me and kissed my cheeks. I blushed to the sudden movement.

He smiled at me once more and walked away to Bom.

I was still flustered. I craned my head to Mino side and found him glaring scarily at me.

"What!?" I asked.

"Nothing. Its just that... You ARE still my girlfriend until you get on the plane. And I didn't let you let other guys kiss you." Mino said with a frown.

"Wha-- Its just a peck on the cheeks! Nothing else." I defended.

"Whatever you say. Just... Let me make you forget that kiss with another kiss." He said with a sly grin.

"What? What kiss?" I asked furiously.

Mino pressed his lips onto mine. Holding my chin with his fingers, he kissed deeper. We were not minding the people around us, instead we got cut off by the announcer. She said that the plane to America was here. We had ten minutes left.

"I-I--" I shushed him out by putting my index finger on his lips.

I smiled at him and looked around. Everybody was staring at us. Well, not EVERYBODY! But just the ones who came to see Adel unnie and I off.

"Errrr... Lisa... We need to go." Adel said.

I nodded in response and followed her. We said our last goodbyes to everybody and went away.

I turned around once more.

"Mino! We can still Skype." I said. The sentence was more like a question.

He nods and I quickly ran to unnie who was far ahead...







Stay safe for me.



Hi~~😑😑 i'm so tired of learning tooooo mucccchhhhh!!!

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