Chapter 17: Tabi

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This chapter is still gonna be TOP POV
After Lisa went home at around 6+, we continued our work. We still have a lot to do, I mean A LOT!

We still need to record bad boy, fantastic baby and Ego. Ugh! So tiring!

"GD-ah! I'm tired!" I said, looking at the overly-serious leader.

"Hyung, we have to finish this. Look at the negative side. If we don't finish this for the fans and then the fans won't love us then they'll leave us and we don't have any purposes being an idol then we would break up and go our separate ways and when we go our separate ways, we will forget each other when we forget each other means our friendship will die and when our friendship will die we would have no friends and if people have no friends they go crazy and when we go crazy we would commit suicide. The end." I looked at Jiyong, amazed at how he came up with that.

"Were you planning what to say for the past three hours if I complained?" I asked, making that squeaky voice.

"MmmHmm." Gd replied, pursing his lips after that.

"But I'm still ti--"

Gd cuts me off by saying, "Get... To... Work... Now." I see that his 'Leader' side has shown off. And I know, if I don't move a single finger in the next minute, I'll be yelled at. Even though he's younger than me, he has the right to scold me for being lazy and stuff like that. Like DUHH! He's the leader of Bigbang!!!

I continued my work. Rapping in the mic and getting out of the room to listen to my own voice. It sounds......................... Sexy!😈 I'm joking.


I finished work at 11.30pm. And I need to go back home. I hate going back home so late at night. It gives me the chills. But on second thought, I'll just go home and sleep right away.

So I bid goodbye to the other members and went to my car that was parked at the parking lot. I hopped in and started the engine. And went off.

While driving, I saw a cat limping on three legs. I halted my car beside the pavement and picked up the cat. I saw one of its hind legs are bleeding profusely. I quickly brought the cat to the nearest vet.

The vet said that the cat needs to undergo surgery. But the cost is $8000. Come on! $8000 is not even 1% of my monthly pay! I said to the veterinarian that i'll pay. She nodded and went back in the room where the cat is.

After a few hours of waiting, the time now was 4.55am! Ugh! Why must the vet do surgery on a cat for so many hours! As if it was on cue, the vet came out with the cat in a small cage.

'OMG! Am I supposed to take care of the cat? What should I do with it!?' I snapped out of my thoughts and took the cat with me. The vet asked me to sign sone papers and pay for the surgery. I paid instantly and brought the cat home. I lived at 2232 Saejong Daero.


I got home and I put down the cage that has the cat in it. I looked at it and the cat looked at me with its big, hypnotizing eyes. Haishhh~ I have to admit, the cat's cute. I now noticed that the cat was white in colour. It was a bit dirty though.

So I thought, maybe... I can go downstairs and buy cat shampoo. Cat litter, potty tray, a bunch of tuna can, a soft cushiony pillow, cute cat collar and catnip. I know that cats need this stuff coz I just researched at the vet.

I first bath the cat. I wiped its face with my wet hands gently. I turned on the sprinkler and showered the cat. 'Shit! I forgot to turn on the heater.' The cat meowed very loudly and I couldn't help but to reply back.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I know its cold. I'll turn on the heater, k?"

The cat meowed again when I turned off the sprinkler to get the shampoo.

"I know its cold. Wait awhile, I'm gonna get your shampoo."

While I run off to get the shampoo, I can hear the cat meowing from the toilet. I grabbed a small towel along with me so that I can dry the cat.

I went back in and the cat meowed a long meow, dragging it to make it sound so annoying but pitiful at the same time.

"Look! I got your shampoo!" I started to shampoo the cat's fur. It was so soft. I rinsed the cat again and wrapped the towel on the cat's body.

I took out my hairdryer, yes, I have a hairdryer. And blow-dry the cat.

I can tell that it was refreshing for the cat as I it purr loudly.

When I was done with cleaning the cat, I fed it and let it drink water. After the cat was done with all of that, I picked it up and made it sit on my lap while I sit on the sofa. It purrs loudly as I smile.

"I haven't name you yet. I think I wanna name you Tabi."

And with that, the cat meow. I pet it as it slept on my lap.

Haiigh~ I saved a life. Whether it's a human life or an animal's life, I don't care. I. Saved. A. Life.


Yay!! My favs animal came in the story! Haish~ cats.... I love meowss!!!







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