Chapter Three

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I pulled my bag over my shoulder and walked through the school gates with Logan by my side. I love his smile. Rose snap out of it! I can't ruin our friendship. Besides I know he secretly likes another girl. Crystal. I personally have no idea what he sees in her. But it's none of my business I suppose. Besides, they said they were 'friends'. I push the thought out of my mind and focus on school. A couple of people stare at us walking down the hallway together, but we're used to it. I hug him goodbye as we move to separate classes. It's funny how much I need him. I don't think he realises it half of the time.

Anyway, first class was boring. Everybody calls me that perfect student with top marks. I may be good at math but it doesn't mean I enjoy it. In science I sit next to a guy named Leon. He's reasonably smart and his hair is jet black and his eyes are a gentle hazel brown. But don't be fooled. He is the most obnoxious, self centred person I have ever met. What really annoys me is his attitude. He acts like I'm dependant on him. That really gets on my nerves. I can do stuff for myself you know. The worst part is, because he irritates me so much I eventually just give him my famous death stare. But then he's goes and tells everybody I like him cause I keep staring at him.
You can never win.

The day seemed to go on and on. The only thing that kept me going was the iced tea and chocolate I bought at school. But mainly I kept replaying the conversation I had with Logan over and over in my head. I finally get to spend time with him. It felt like months since the last time we hung out. Not including school of course. Camping. I didn't tell him, but I've never really been camping before. I went once when I was eight. But that was not a good memory. I couldn't move my left foot for a week after all those bee stings.

Crystal came up to me at lunch. Again. So I wasn't surprised when a mane of black hair and gold highlights blocked my field of vision. I was waiting for my friend Jessie to come out of class. Her math teacher almost always keeps them in. But of course I was secretly hoping I'd bump into Logan and his friends first. Crystal looked at me with her dark brown eyes.
"Are you alright?" I ask.
She ignores my question. "I saw you with Logan today" she briskly informs me.
"And..." I reply.
"You know very well that he's mine and"
"yeah, yeah, yeah you told me already. And you know very well that every time we have this conversation you'll always get the same answer from me. We. Are. Just. Friends." I say very clearly.
She glares at me and storms off. I felt like I've had that conversation every day for the last six months. But shortly after, my thoughts were interrupted as my friends started yelling at me to hurry up.

Lunch was normal. Jessie and I sat with Logan, Bryce and a couple other of our friends. I won't go into detail but it was pretty much like any other lunch. Talking. Laughing. You get the drift. The bell rings. Logan and I head off to english. I've completely forgotten about english! Logan and I were talking about it all last week.

We take our seats and the teacher talks about the huge assignment for a bit, then leaves us to work in our pairs.
"Let's get started partner" Logan smiles goofily.
"Let's get focused partner" I reply.
The reason we need to focus is that the winning team get a trip to this amazing rainforest with the most spectacular waterfalls. Logan and I really want to win, and we are both pretty competitive. I can't trust him with the writing of the essay, but since we've done so many tasks together, he knows how I roll. In fact he knows me better than I know myself. I know him better than he know himself also.
I tell him about my drawings. I've decided to do a few more now. Pretty much I do all the artsy and creative stuff. At school Logan is sporty but when there's no one around he loves drawing. Logan tells me that he's starting a PowerPoint and taking some photos.
Just then I have a brainwave.
"I just had an awesome idea!"
"What is it?" He asks eagerly.
"Well you'll just have to come to my house to find out" I reply playfully.
But this idea for our project will seriously kick butt. I won't tell Logan yet. First I need to buy some supplies.

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