Start from the beginning

                The group on the run walked down a road and saw walkers roaming around. “Want to take them out?” William asked. “No” Jason said. “We have knives” said Ian. “I say we walk right through them” said Anthony. “There are only a few” said Adam. “Then lets go through” said Sam. “If it turns out bad, we can use weapons.” “Let’s go” said Anthony.

                 They ran forward and ran between or around the walkers. They went to grab them, but they all avoided the walkers and ran off down the road, and the walkers continued following. “That turned out better than I expected” Jason said. They went to turn the corner, but there were many walkers there, eating something or just walking around.

               “We can’t push through” said Anthony. “There’s way too many.” “Let’s go around” said Tyler, looking at a map. “If we go up an adjoining road, we can get there before sundown.” “We better hurry” said Adam. “They get rowdy at night.” They then ran up the other side of the road, taking a different path.

                  Luke walked out of one of the homes of Melville, with Gwen’s gun in his pocket. “Hey sport” said Scott Melville, his twenty-year old brother. “Want to go play hide and seek?” “No, I’m tired” said Luke. “I’ll just go to bed.” “Okay” Scott said, and Luke walked off.

                     Luke walked past Gwen, who was just approaching Marie. “Thank you for helping” Marie said. “I really appreciate it.” “I’m always happy to help people” Gwen said. She started carrying things in, and Marie asked “Is Sam doing okay?” “He’s fine” Gwen said. “I mean, he’s the best he can be in a world like this.” “It’s just” said Marie. “Does he mention his mother? I mean, his mother dies and his father immediately gets with the next girl he sees, so I was wondering if he was okay with this.”

                   “Anthony and I didn’t immediately get together” said Gwen. “We were friends for months and only a month ago did we get together, and before that, Sam told me that he would be okay with Anthony and I being together.” “Oh, okay” said Marie, and she walked further off, but Gwen knew she would talk about this another time.”

                      The group walked down the road and Jason said “There it is.” He pointed it out, and the group saw a herd of walkers just outside of it.  “We can’t take them all out” said Tyler. “We can take them in little bits” said Hannah. “Maybe kill some and run back.” “We can just lead them away” said William. “Or draw more” said Adam. “Maybe there’s a back” said Ian. “Let’s find out” said Anthony.

                      They ran into an alleyway and climbed up a fire escape that led to a buildings roof. They looked out and saw the back of the pharmacy, which had a back door, but it also had walkers. “Okay” said Anthony. “There aren’t many of them. So, we get in the back and kill them before getting in.”

                     “We don’t know if there are walkers inside” said William. “There aren’t” said Don. “I was here a month ago, and there weren’t walkers.” “Well, someone that was bit could’ve went in there to die and more and more people went in and died” said William. “But, at least you were here a month ago.” Don stopped talking as Anthony said “Okay, lets go.”

                        The group climbed down the fire escape before Anthony leaped over a fence and landed in a dumpster. He climbed out and stabbed the nearest walker as Tyler jumped forward and stabbed a walker in the head. He threw it against a pile of boxes before stomping on its head as William ran forward and stabbed a walker. Adam then beat one with a pipe as Hannah chopped ones head off as Jason beat one against the dumpster.

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