Chapter 2 : I Battle The Cheerleading Squad

Start from the beginning

I sighed as Mr. Smith said "That is enough Mrs. Edwards" as Mr. Smith got the class back together as he finished his lesson. 


After English Class I walked towards the lunch room towards the table me and Priscilla always sat next at.

While carrying  my lunch tray I noticed the cheer leading squad sitting at there usual table where they could see all the football players as the head cheerleader looked at me with a gaze as I turned away and walked towards Priscilla.  

"Hey" Priscilla said with a smile as she was eating a salad as I sat down next to her.

"How your first class go ?" she asked.

"Alright, I guess" I said in a low tone.

Priscilla noticed something was wrong as she said like a true best friend.

"What's wrong ?"

"It's nothing P" I said as I ate my carrots. 

She rose her brow at me as I sighed.

"Gwen, she made fun of me" I told her as Priscilla asked "Gwen Edwards ?"


"What she say ?"

"She called me ugly and said that you only hang out with me because you pity me."

I could sense that Priscilla was in fury. You could tell by her eyes. Poseidon Kids eyes were gentle, a warm sea green like a lazy river but when they were angry their sea green eyes turn dark just like a stormy wave that was ready to drag you to the bottom of the sea and let the salty sea water fill you lungs as your body float to the bottom.  

"P ?" I asked as I tried to clam down my best friend form hurting Gwen. 

Priscilla usual say that I'm the one with the bad temper. But she isn't that fair from me. I've seen Priscilla frustrated before but never angry.

I noticed her eyes shifted over towards Gwen table as she noticed a water bottle on her table as she gave a devil like smirk as she stared at the water as I looked over to see the water bottle began to shake back and forth as Gwen and her table noticed as Priscilla lifted her head causing the water bottle to exploded spraying her with water. 

She screamed as I just stood there mouth winded as the whole table look at her.

She noticed how Priscilla smirked at her as she screamed "You freak !" as Priscilla rose from the table and said "And there will be much worst, if you don't lay of my friend. Little miss fake" as the people laughed as Gwen huffed and stormed away until she said "You will regret that Daughter of the Sea God" as Priscilla and me stare at her as I noticed her eyes glowed a bright yellow.  

"Did she just say, What I think she just ?''

"I think she did"

"Gwen's a...

"Monster." Priscilla finished 


After Lunch me and Priscilla went to the band room which is where we took band class together.

Now I know what your about the say. "Zoe but you hate band !"

I know I do. But Priscilla dragged me into band because she didn't want to be alone. Even though I wanted to take Culinary because I got to eat the things I made {Like who wouldn't chose Culinary ?}

But she guilt me saying "What if a monster attack us and we won't be together ?"  

I sighed as I got ready to head to band.

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