Wtf Beck just leave me alone

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I then hear "WHAT THE FUCK JADE, WHO THE HELL IS THAT AND WHY DO YOU HAVE CUT MARKS!!!!!!" I then turn around and see beck. "What the hell are you doing here? Just leave me alone." I then walk to my car and we go home.
A few years later
I go to set and get very mad like every day now bc beck and everyone else works there to but then I get told by cat "hey jade your a bitch you should just die" she then started laughing very hard. I couldn't take it anymore and the only thing that made me happy was that my dad was better and was in my life now. So I sent my dad, clair, storm, sikowitz and my old friends this text:
I love you with my body, heart and soul till death but I can't handle life anymore.
I then drove home and cut myself till I was bleeding like crazy and I over dosed myself.
After that jade was dead
Beck, Trina, carly and cat felt awful. storm was very deprsed and now lives with Clair and sikowitz got older and passed on a couple days later.


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