The aditoun and doctors appointment

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I then walked out to my car and called the doctor and made an appointment. As I got in the car I threw my bag in the passenger seat and drove off. I was getting bored with no one to talk to and there was about 20 minutes left in the drive so I turned on the radio and the song I had recorded last night I could feel the tears come to my eyes but I didn't lets them out. Next thing I know I'm there so I grabbed my lines and walked in. I was aditioning for a show called All Hell Breaks Lose. I was aditioning for the main character named Stacy. I waited for I don't even know how long but it was finally my turn and I said my lines witch sounded just like me and they were "if you don't give me the damn kid then I will take these sicours and kill you with them. No she's my daughter you kidnaped her and you have no right to see her!!" Then I hear "cut". Then the director says "your perfect you'll play Stacy". " Hey do you think we can write in that Stacy is pregnant, I don't care how she gets Prego plz just make her be" I asked them they asked me why and I told them I was pregnant, so they did it bc they really wanted me to play Stacy. I then got cat and we went to the doctor even though I hate hospitals. When we got there we were taken to an ultrasound room and the doctor told me to pull my shirt up a bit and lay on the bed, so I did. The doctor told me that I'm 2 and a half months and that I can come back in about a month to find out the sex of the baby. I then got a text from a blocked number. Luckily we were at a restaurant and not driving so I read the text it said
???- you get an abortion Right now and I heard your song bad mouthing me
Jade- who is this??
I knew it was either my dad or beck but eather way there numbers were blocked
Jade- dad stay out of my life I hate you!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬
I then started eating and after we are i stoped at my dad's house to tell him what the song was about but then he started abusing me, cat wasn't there but lucky for me  the news station happened to show up to interview us and caught the hole thing. My dad then got supper pised with me and punched me in the stomach, I fell to the ground crying and scared for me and the baby. Alsion came down and saw me curled up on the floor holding my stomach and crying and she was the only other person that new about the baby besides cat, Clair and beck.

Jade west painful lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें