Finding out

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Cats POV
Meow, Meow,Meow. I heard I as I was waking up. I hit snooze on my alarm and got up to get ready. I put on a glittery sliver top, jean shorts and some black high heels. I then got Evelyn up and put her in a dress that was pink at the top and purple when it got to the bottom with pink flats and garbed her backpack. I then took her to preschool. When I got home I woke jade up and told her to get ready.
Jades POV
I wake up to see cat shaking me awake. She told me to get ready so I got up and went to the closet. I put on black top, black jeans, black boots and a silver sun necklace. We then left to got to the doctor. As we drove we talked about what gender we thought it would be. When we got there I signed in and we sat in the waiting room.
Cats POV
I heard them call are names so we walked in and the doctor told jade to lay on the table and pull up her shirt so she did. He scanned for a minute and then told us "it's twin girls". We started crying with excitement. We then left and went to the store for baby supplies.
After decorating
The room was beautiful I thought. There was crib against on wall and in the same place on the other side. The walls were painted the color of a sunset and the dresser was against the wall in  between the cribs. The closet was full with clothes and the toy bin was full.
Jade's POV
I left the he room so I could find a place for Evelyn's 5th birthday and cat went to get her. But I couldn't find a place so I disited it would be here. So I bought some decorations of line and invited everyone and ik thought about it and invited beck because there would be lots of people there and he wouldnt do anything in a crowd. I then here the car pool up and Evelyn comes running in and gave me a big hug. I then asked  "hey Evelyn do you want to see daddy on your birthday"? She said yes so that was that.

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