Cats explanation part two/my little sis had what

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It's always going to be Jade's POV from now on unless I put someone's name cause I want to
[ flashback]
I had just finished singing when beck ran up on stage and said "I missed you" "I missed you to" I replied then we kissed. That was r last day at Hollywood arts for the year then it was the summer before r last year of high school and then a week later I found out I was pregnant with Evelyn.
[End of flashback]
I then snapped out of it and found myself sitting on a wooen stole in the recording room being hugged by cat and Carol trying to see if I was ok. I was apparently sobbing. Cat then asked if ik was ok. I then told them that I started thinking about after that song in highschool how me and beck got together and how I got pregnant are senior year. Ofcores cat remembered who could forget there bff going through all that. I then fixed my makeup and we left.
At home
It's like 12:00pm and cat, Evelyn,winter and Willow all went out to the movies to have some fun and I stayed home bc I've had a very longer day. So I walked to my room and put on a black crop top, some black shorts, took of my makeup and put my hair up. But as I was getting in bed I heard a knock on the door so I walked downstairs and opened the door to see beck and I was freaking out. The then closed the door and took me upstairs then raped me then he left. I was shaking I put my clothes back on and went to bed. I woke up the next morning and the bathroom light was on so I assumed cat was in there and I started getting ready I then put this on

 I woke up the next morning and the bathroom light was on so I assumed cat was in there and I started getting ready I then put this on

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I then did my makeup band curled my hair. I then told cat I needed in the bathroom being she went downstairs. I went in and grabbed a pregnancy test but bc I didn't have time to take it I put it in my bag and ran downstairs and told cat to come and told Evelyn to come on to and that she can date.
At school
Me and cat were walking into my classroom and saw over a million ducks. Cat had to run and get lanne bc when they got back I had a sluge hammer and was trying to hit the ducks. Leanne has to hold me back while cat grabbed the slug hammer. After that we got all the ducks out And everyone left my room, so I grabbed my bag and walked to the bathroom. I walked in and locked the door I then peed on the test and walked back to my room. When I got back to my room I grabbed it out of my bag when bi didn't notice but my sister was there. I looked at it and sighed in relief then realized the second line was getting darker and I started crying not with joy though. I then looked up and saw my sister and told her to sit down I then closed the door and asked her whats wrong. She then told me something very alriming " d-d-d-d dad's friends raped me lasted night" I sat there for a minute and thought about it, r dad hadn't been in r life untill last year so I hated this bsdtered. I then asked her "have you taken a test yet?" She told me no and I handed her an extra on from my bag. She went in the bathroom and came back 3-4 minutes later and said she was ok and nothing was going to happen and she left.

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