The decorating for the suprise party

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Jades POV
I sent beck out of the house so we could get everything ready. I'm getting our decorations when I hear a knock at the door so I walk over and get the door and it's non other than cat. "Thanks cat for coming over early to help me set up" I told her as I gave her a hug. She told me it wasn't a big deal and I had her set up in the lichen while I got ready. I walked into my room to get ready but as I was looking in my closet I got supper nauseous and ran to the bathroom and threw up. As I finished cleaning up after that cat walked and saw I had gotten sick.
Cats PVO
"Jade are you alright" I asked cuserned. Jade said she had felt like shit and has for a cupule weeks. "Jade have you and beck have sex in a while"?I asked. She said they had and she never thought about that. "Jade you might want to take a pregnancy test. A specially before everyone elder gets here" I told her and went back to decorate more. As I walked into the kitchen I got a text from Sam.
Sam- can you come get me
Sam-because nona said she was staying in the apartment tonight and kicked me out for the night
Cat- ok then you can stay at jades house with me tonight but you'll only know me and jade
Sam- ok that's fine and I just got a rid door never mind in that part bye
Jades POV
I grabbed a pregnancy test and peed on it. Then set a timer on my phone for 4 minutes and then got ready. I put a black tank top cropped top thing, a black skirt, tall black socks, black boots with little gold stars, a gold necklace, gold earrings, a gold snack bracelet and then the timer went off. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed the test,took a deep breath and looked down. I could feel the tears streaming down my face and my makeup running. I was pregnant but then I heard the door ring people were getting here. I told cat to let them in and I fixed my makeup and put the test in a present box and I came out and said hi to everyone.
Also if you are wondering were Evelyn is at jade moms house bc they will be drinking.
There was food on the food table and beautiful decorations everywhere. I thanked cat and then we heard beck's car pull up and we all hid with the lights of then the door opened

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