Jades daughter has a WHAT part two

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Sam's POV
Light golden brown hair it was cat, who out of nowhere goes "shut up your so anoying. Do you want to come smock with me?" I then told her no. She then told me she was going out. Witch I expected bc when ever we fight she goes out.
Cats POV
I walked out the door in one of Jade's outfits that I stole from her when we dated

Cats POVI walked out the door in one of Jade's outfits that I stole from her when we dated

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I then drove to Jade's old house cause she's probably moved sense she rich now.
When I got to Jade's
I got out of the car and walked up to the door and knocked. I watied for a minute then that's when I saw jade with makeup running down her face and it looked like she had been crying.
Jade's POV
I heard a knock at the door so I got up and walked to the door, it took a minute before I opened the door so I could hold back more tears. I then opened the door to see a girl in one of my outfits that went missing, she had sigorets in her bage along with her phone and her car keys. I stood there puzeled, but before I could ask her name Evelyn came pounding down the stairs.
Evelyn's POV
I came punding Down the stairs and grabbed my car jeys. I started to wakes tordes the door but my mom stoped me. She then told me " hunny don't be rude to her and ask her nicly move and we're are you going?" In a voice that sounded like she was trying not to cry witch my mom n ever cry's so I don't why she sounds like that but then I responded with " Fine and I'm going to Grandma's she needs my help" I then ran out the door.
Winters POV
As me and my sister got off the bus we saw a in fermilyer car in the driveway and someone standing in the driveway. I then walked up to the house and I said " hi Mom and random lady and ran to my room without saying hi to Carly.
Willows POV
I walked up to the house slowly and walked up to my mom and said hi to her and the lady and said hi to Carly. Then went to my room.
Carlys mind
Who is that?? Then it clicked ITS CAT!!!! But why is she hear. Norm Carly I got up and walked over to the door and told her " sorry about the girls the two dressed in black r very goth and the other acts like someone we used to know. Also what your name?"
Cats POV
Great they want my name I'll drop a hint. "Hey jadey" I said in a very angrey and anyoed tone. Then jade said "cat is that you?"
"Yup can I come in know?" I asked getting very very annoyed. So they let me in then a red haired girl came running down the stairs. Willow POV
"What hunny I'm talking to and old friend"? "I me and winter got voted the best and most famous siblings in acting and singing today!!" 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 I practecly yelled. But then my mom told me "hunny can you go call your prudocer and see when we need to be at the studio. I need to talk to my friend cat." "Ok wait cat my other mom, the one who I dress and dye my hair like, the one that reitard beck killed. Wait how are you alive??"

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