Droy: "Erza? You're not turned to stone?"

Jet : "So, if Erza's okay are the others? Is Levy?"

Cana: "Don't worry everyone is safe."

Juvia: "Worry not. Juvia is also okay."

Mirajane: "So is Bisca, Alzack."

Alzack: "I see Thank goodness"

Warren: "Really Sorry. My telepathy can't reach all the way to the guild. We'll have to do it with the people who can hear me. Destroy those things up in the sky!"

Max: "Damn you, Warren! Did you forget what you did to me?"

Warren: "Max? I'm sorry about that, man I was, like, really trying to save Erza and the others"

Droy: "This is Droy! Can you hear me, Alzack?"

Alzack: "I-I hear you. I'm sorry about before."

Jet: " You think that's gonna cut it? You hit me with a sneak attack!"

Then the whole guild is starting to argue with each other.

Gray: "Save the fightin' for later! You're one to talk! There is no time now! Destroy the things floating in the sky!"

Guild members: "You don't get it, do you? When I don't hold back, I'm way stronger! What? As if! You always attack first, think later! That sounds more like you!"

Lucy: "Everyone, listen! This isn't the time to be fighting! The people of the city are in real danger! We have to all work together to protect the city of Magnolia! If we combine our powers, we can overcome anything! That's what I've learned after coming here. I know I just joined Fairy Tail recently. But my feelings for this guild are as strong as anybody's! Fairy Tail has been my dream since long ago It's always been my goal. Even now. So, please Let's all work together Let's protect our guild and our city!"

Erza and Nathaniel: "Lucy"

Lucy: "And if that won't convince you I'll destroy all the lacrima myself!"

Cana: "Listen up people! You really gonna let the newbie one up you like that?"

Nathaniel: "She's not new any more She's got more Fairy Tail spirit than any of us! But she acts more mature than others"

Droy: "Lucy, you're exactly right. We'll settle things later."

Jet: "I can't argue with that, now can I? Thanks to you, I'm thinking straight again."

Max: " Are all you folks ready? You guys Everyone Warren, we'll settle this after those things are destroyed. "

Wakaba: "Macao, you can't handle this!"

Macao: " Take a nap! Oh, yeah? Wakaba! You sure prance around a lot for an old man."

Then the whole guild starts to focus their head into one goal.

Lucy: "Let's go, Happy!"

Happy: " They have Body Link magic protecting them! If you attack them, you'll get damaged yourself! It's gonna hurt!"

Lucy: "Even if it hurts, I'll do it anyway! I always looked up to Fairy Tail And I've gotten to be such good friends with everyone Sure, a lot of things have happened But everyone has always been so warm. This guild is where I belong. It's my home. My heart yells out "This is where I should be!" So I'm going to fight! Because it was Fairy Tail that made me strong!"

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