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Jungkook's P.O.V

"I'll be taking care of you from now on." He finished after he explained everything.

My lips quivered as I looked down. "I'm sorry..."


"If you didn't save me, maybe you could've still been a matchmaker." I answered, tears beginning to blur my vision.

"It doesn't matter. I would've died if I didn't save you anyway." He replied.

He then made me look up at him as his dark eyes pierced sharply through mine.

"You always seemed bothered. Now, tell me.. what's been bothering you?" He asked, his voice was soft..unlike the way he spoke back then.

I frowned. "I feel lost.. these emotions that keep stirring up in my heart, the problems that I kept in my mind, and the unsaid words that my mouth dare not to say." I answered with a shaky voice.

"A-and the worst part is that- that I can't help loving someone who would never see me the same way as I do..!" I said as I let my tears spill.

Taehyung's P.O.V

I only watched the boy cry in front of me until I froze when he said something horrible about himself.

"I'm so pathetic.."

I frowned. "Shut up. You're nothing like that, if ever, you should be proud of yourself because you are able to know how it feels to love." I said.

He looked at me taken aback. "Love..? You.. you don't know? But... how were you a matchmaker then?"

I sighed. "You see, before you become a matchmaker, you're still human. I died without knowing what love was, so I was given the duty to matchmake people... but ever since I touched you, I became a human again, my 3rd life.." I explained.

"Don't you want to tell Jimin the truth?" I asked.

His eyes widened as he shook his head immediately. "No..! I don't want to.. I don't want to ruin anything I have with him now. I don't wanna bother you like this, and.. maybe what me and Jimin hyung are is enough.." he said with a smile, but there was nothing but sadness in his eyes.

I let out a breath until Jungkook's phone started ringing.

I handed him his phone and frowned.

I saw who it was and looked at him. "Will you answer?" I asked.

He turned to me and shook his head. "Please answer for me, and tell him that i'm staying with you from now on.." he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows until I realized that he was supposed to stay with me.

I nodded and took his phone, answering it for him, putting it on speaker so he could hear.


"... who are you?"

Jungkook watched me as I looked back at him.

"What are you doing with Jungkook's phone?"

"Ah, right.. i'm a friend of his, Jungkook fell asleep.. he's staying with me for a few days." I answered.

"Oh... may I know your name?"

Jungkook nodded slightly.


"I.. don't recall Jungkook having friends with anyone other than me."

I clenched my jaw and furrowed my eyebrows.

'Is this the kind of man Jungkook wants?'

"Oh, is he not allowed to have other peers?" I asked.

"What? No, i-it's just he never told me."

I frowned and looked at Jungkook, who held a sad expression.

He mouthed that I could say what I wanted.

"Listen bub, I know you and Jungkook are friends and all, but he's not yours to know everything that's going on in his life. You can only be there for him when he needs you, but that doesn't mean everything that happens to him must include you."

"Right.. i'm sorry for the misunderstanding.." he apologized and hung up.

I sighed turning to Jungkook who already had his head hung low.

"Sorry, my anger rose up." I apologized. He looked at me and smiled softly, shaking his head.

"It's ok.. I.. want to distance myself from him as far as possible to lose these feelings, but.. what am I gonna do now..?"

I stayed silent for a moment until I hummed, surprisingly giving him the very smile I thought I could no longer do.

"Then stay with me."

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