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Jimin's P.O.V

I smiled, calling out for Jungkook to sit with me.

"Jungkook! Over here!" His eyes brightened as he approached me.

I smiled softly as he greeted me happily like he always does.

He's like a younger brother I never had..

"How was dance class?" I asked.

He pouted. "Tiring."

I laughed and shook my head. "Oh Jungkookie~ you gotta endure it if you want to reach your dream." I encouraged, patting his head.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I smiled a little, trying to hide the little sadness that I was starting to feel.

Because I knew, he only sees me as his brother, and nothing else romantic.

"Ah, actually hyung... i'll be leaving early." I said, making him blink and tilt his head.

"Why?" He asked.

"I'm not really feeling that well..." I said.

He then stared at me as concern started washing through his eyes.

"Oh, let me take you home? I'll take care of-"

"No, hyung. Stay here, and focus on your afternoon classes. I'll be leaving as soon as lunch is over." I said with a smile.

He sighed and nodded. "Fine.. be careful on the way home." He said as the bell suddenly rang.

I smiled and thanked him, slinging my bag over my shoulder and left.

Taehyung's P.O.V

As I watched Jungkook ride onto a taxi, I phased through the car and got beside him.

I stared at him until he looked down with a frown.

Until the car suddenly crashed harshly with another vehicle.

I whipped my head towards the boy who had  roughly hit his head by the window, blood oozing down from his head.

My eyes widened as I then turned to the driver to see he was already dead.

"Please... someone help me.. I don't.. want to die."

I thought for a moment and frowned as I let out a sigh in defeat, taking Jungkook's hand, my eyes widened once again when he stared at me with slightly wide eyes.


I frowned. "Stop asking, you're asking for help, aren't you?" I pointed as I got off the car and pulled him out with me.

It was obvious that he couldn't move as much, so I picked him up bridal style, taking him to the nearest hospital.

Once we arrived there, he was already unconscious, the nurses took him away from me quickly.

I watched them take Jungkook with them with hard eyes.

'Don't make me regret sacrificing my life for you.'


I watched the boy sleeping peacefully in the hospital bed.

"Such a waste you are, chasing over a man that already desires another." I whispered, grabbing a seat and sat down beside him.

He groaned, as he slowly opened his eyes, his attention soon landing on me.

"You... it was you.." he spoke in a raspy voice.

I stared at him blankly and handed him a glass of water.

"Drink up." I said.

He obeyed and drank the glass.

"Where am I?" He asked, looking around.

"At the hospital." I answered, crossing my arms as I leaned onto the chair more.

He then turned back to me as his eyes widened.

"H-huh? What?- no, no I can't be here..! I can barely buy myself any food- how can I afford to even pay the bill?" He burst as he started to panic.

I sighed. "Calm down, would you? You just woke up, take it easy. I'll handle the bill." I said.

He blinked. "I don't even know you..! Why would you do this for me? T-then again.. how did you get inside the car when it was only me and the driver..?" He asked.

I frowned. "Perhaps I should give an honest explanation."

"My name is Kim Taehyung, i'm a matchmaker, well... I used to."

The Matchmakers (Taekook Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن