:Chapter 13: (Lemon/18+)

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When Farley kissed me, I felt as if in a dream. This can't be happening, and yet, here she was, real as the sand under my feet, the sea waves crashing in my ear. I held her close, tasting her for what felt like the very first time. I felt her desire, her absolute want, and it arose a primal feeling in my chest and body I never knew was there. I held her tight, as I felt back into the sand, her body straddling mine, it was bliss. As much as I wanted this, I knew it was wrong. She belonged to Alucard, and if he found out, he'd kill me, then possibly kill Farley. I pulled back, and she looked absolutely starved with how vibrant and swirling with hunger her eyes were, they looked to be glowing. 

" Farley, love, as much as I want this, what about Alucard? He's your husband now, not me." 

" What he don't know won't hurt. And besides, I want this right now as much as you do, and we have this entire beach to ourselves, and Alucard won't bother me for the rest of the night." 

" I don't want you to get hurt, and I like living without a target on my back." 

" And I won't. Please, for once in your life, follow your heart and not your head." 

She was right, as usual. I kissed her again, and with more ease than possible, I managed to pull my shirt off, and with a flick of her wrist, we were both as stark as the day we were born. Her skin looked to glow under the moon, her hair to be fire, and it was absolute perfection, the waves lapping at my side. 

" You look so damn beautiful, love." 

" And you are still as handsome as the day we met." 

I rolled us over, peppering her neck with kisses, not once slowing down to think. Her little gasps and moans were so pretty, as if it were the most important song I'd hear. I felt her nails scratching down my back, my healing factor making any welts she made vanish instantly. this moment was one we deserved, even if it was a one night, I didn't care, I had my Farley back. I used my hands to trace her form, committing it to memory, loving every curve, every scar, every mark. I let my fingers trace every line of her tattoos, tattoos I remember her getting, because I got a matching one to the one on her leg a year after I had gone out of her life. It was a tribal black wolf in front of a white moon, looking very much like Yin and Yang. I could feel her grinding onto me, and it sent spikes of pleasure across my body, and when I finally pulled away from her collarbone to look into her eyes, they were pools of fire. Passion, destruction, want, desire, and bliss covered her, and to see her fanged smile look so naughty, it made me so damn happy.

" I love you, Farline." 

" I love you too, Xander." 

With a fierce kiss, I pushed myself into her body, and her growl made my chest vibrate, and it forced one in response out of me, and I know it made her even more excited, because I could hear her moaned laugh. I let my body move of its own accord, and it was so wonderful, so damn primal, so animalistic, I felt alive and so damn high, I never wanted this to end. I wanted more, I needed more, to have her in every inch of my skin, to know her better than Alucard ever could. 

" Farley, bite me. I'm immune to your bite, so don't worry about that." 

" Are you sure?" 

" Yes, now, please, feed from me." 

I felt her sink her fangs into my neck, and it was amazing. I was so close to a ledge I never felt before, and when I felt her body clench, a ripping roar escaped us both, and exhaustion settled into my skin, as did absolute orgasmic bliss. I pulled out of her, and flopped onto the sand, and I felt her roll into my side, her head on my shoulder. 

" We need to wash off the stench of sex we are currently wearing. If Alucard smells it, he'll get so rip shit pissed, we both will be in trouble." 

watching her rinse off in the water sparked something I hadn't felt since I was a kid in school. I got up and stood behind her, kissing her neck and shoulder.

" Who says you have to go back? Come with me. The doctor who did my procedure is working on a serum to turn vampires back into humans. If you came with me, he could make it special for just you, and it can go back to the old days. We can live in Rome, both of us becoming hunters for Iscariot. We can be together again. Hell, we could even get remarried if you want. Please, come with me. Forget Alucard, forget Hellsing." 

I saw the contemplation on her face, and when she kissed me, I knew she had made her choice. 

" Xander, you are going to be the death of me. Fine, I'll come with you. I hope this doctor person can work quickly, because if not, Alucard will have no problem burning Rome to the ground." 

" I am more afraid of him hurting you than of him killing me." 

" I need my coffin. I can't go too far from it." 

" Damn it! I forgot about that. Can you use your powers over shadow to transport it anywhere like Alucard can with his?" 

" Yes, but I'm not as strong as he is, and if he sees me trying to move it with my powers, he'll know something is up. Hell he might already know due to my emotions being all over the map." 

" Fuck! Is there anyway for you to know where he is without letting him be aware of it?" 

" Yes! I forgot about that! I am technically a true Nosferatu! I can do everything he can, but with limits." 

Farley stood up, flicking her wrist, and we were both dressed again, the shadows removing all the sand from us. 

" I know you have a few tricks up your sleeve. Is anyone of them some form of teleporting or traveling?" 

" Yes, but it might hurt you. I can warp to places I've already been with holy pages." 

" Could you move us both and a coffin to Rome? I'll be drained after using a lot of power, and I'll need to rest." 

" Yes. I'm ready when you are, ghràdhaich." 

Farley looked ahead, closed her eyes, and had pure concentration on her face. A few moments later, a beautifully ornate coffin had materialized out of a black hole of shadow and abyss in the sand. When Farley opened her eyes, she looked so proud, but it didn't last. I saw the drain that kind of power had on her, and she would've fallen face first into the sand, had I not caught her, and put her in the coffin. The inside was as ornate as the outside, and it was befitting her. 

" Rest easy, my love. When you awaken, you'll be safe in Rome under Iscariot protection." 

I placed a hand on the coffin lid, holding it closed, and thought of my room back in Rome, and as the pages swirled around me, I heard the most bone chilling thing before I had left, the words of a betrayed and furious vampire king echoed in the back of my mind. 


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