:Chapter 17:

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Farley has been an absolute nightmare with her term. Just in the seven weeks she's been here, it's been constant feeding. She always needs blood. She's been very distant with me emotionally, as if I was nothing more than a food source. I loved her, and I knew part of it was the hormones, but part of me felt it was because she actually had made up her mind, and she wants to go back to Alucard. Today was finally the day we could do the paternal test, and I was very fucking scared. We were using my DNA as the yes or no factor, Alucard having been a massive help by bringing blood bags for her to have. Maxwell is properly terrified of her, and while that normally would be a great thing, having someone keep him in line, it made me worried that if she went back, she'd never come around me again. Doc was prepping the test for the sample.  

" Alright, Farley, please sit up on the table." 

Farley did as instructed and he took his samples, including one from me. It was torture having to wait, and when we both heard the beep, Doc grabbed the paper and read the results. 

" Well, this explains why you've been eating so much, Farley. There's more than one, and they are both belonging to the same father. You are having twins." 

" And who is the father?" 

Jacobi was quiet a moment, seemingly looking for the answer, and when he saw it, the look on his face made my heart sink. 

" They are both Alucard's. Your test came back negative. Farley, you are having twins with the No-Life King." 

I saw her face, and it was both elation and concern.

" Thank you Doc, for everything. I need some air." 

" Alright. I'll be in the gym you need me, love." 

Farley left, and we parted our ways, absolute fear filling me. 


I went outside and felt the cool air, and it was absolutely perfect. The night called to me, and now I knew where I belonged. The last seven weeks have given me time to think, and to think clearly. I wanted to be with Alucard. I loved Alex, but not in the same way, and honestly, I needed to be with my children's father. They deserved a proper upbringing. I felt out for him, and I got instant results.

' Alucard, are you there?'

' I am here, draga. What do you need?'

' I want to go home. I want to be with you. I got the results, and they are both yours.'

' Both? There's more than one?'

' Yes. Twins, and they are both yours.' 

' I can come and collect you. Just say the word, and I'll bring you home, my queen.'

' I have things to take care of first. Give me ten minutes and wait for me outside.'

' I am so glad you chose the night, my love. I promise to never let you regret it.'

And with that, he was gone, leaving me to get my affairs in order. I made my way back inside, and thanks to Xander being in the gym, I could pack up my stuff relatively quickly and get it all into my coffin, then making my way to the gym. I found him working out on a weighted machine. He saw me, stopped doing his reps, and made his way over. 

" I take it you told him?" 

" I did. He's ecstatic. I've never felt him this excited and happy." 

" I know that tone. You chose him, didn't you?"

I took a deep breath, and sighed softly. 

" Xander, you have to understand that he can take better care of me than you can right now, and the children deserve a proper upbringing. They deserve a proper family. I want you to make the same promise Alucard had made. I want to know if something happened, you'd take care of them for us. I want to know that you don't hate me for making the choice that I did." 

" You do realize he'll make it to where we never see each other ever again, right? The only time we come even remotely close is if you go back into the field after term."

" I am fully aware of this. Please, promise me, no matter what, the twins will be safe with you."

I could see the hurt, the anger, the understanding, and the pain. 

" Farline, you have my word, they'll be safe from Iscariot and will be taken care of properly should you two somehow vanish. I understand why, and I understand he can give you things, make you feel things, things I just can't give. I'm sorry I failed. I want you to know that I'll always love you, and that no matter what, you always have a home with me here, ok? We will never have bad blood, ok?" 

" Thank you Xander. I need to go. He's here to collect me and bring me back to Hellsing."

" Let me walk you out, alright?" 

" Ok." 

I gave him a gentle smile, and I knew he was hurting. I knew it was my fault. I made my way outside, and saw him in all his scarlet glory. I pulled my coffin out of Xander's room, and once it was here, I gave Xander one last hug, his tears reminding me just how badly I am hurting him. 

" I'll always love you, Farline. Remember that." 

" And remember your promise to me." 

I walked over to Alucard, and I let myself sink into his scent of gunmetal, sage, and home. After seven weeks away, it showed me just how much I loved this man, how much I needed him, how much he was my new everything.

" Welcome home, Regina mea frumoasă. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me." (my beautiful queen)

" I am home, mo rìgh fuil àrd. Oh how I've missed you." (my high blood king)

" I missed you too, draga mea. Come on, let's go home." 

I pulled away, and with a mere flick of his wrist, we were gone from Rome, and back in our old room at Hellsing, and the second I had gotten my bearings, Alucard pulled me in, his gaze changed from happy, to slightly pissed. 

" Alucard, what's wrong?" 

" You still need to pay for your infidelity, Farley. You are lucky that both of them turned out to be mine. What you did emotionally and physically hurt me, badly. No one gets off scott free with such an offence. I'm glad you were smart and chose to come home, I'm also glad to feel that somehow, his blood has been more than sustaining you. You need to pay for hurting me Farley."

" Listen, I came home, I chose you. I know, right now, the very man we just left behind, yeah him, he's in absolute agony and grief! He's suffering! Isn't it enough I came home, shattered his heart, and did the smart thing of wanting a family, you know the thing I've wanted now for fucking years! I made a human mistake! I'm sorry! It will never happen again, I can assure you of that. I will not be bullied and forced into anything, Alucard! I made a minor mistake in the grand scheme of it all. In a hundred years, this will be a distant memory, and we can both call it a moment of childish negligence. A moment when a fledgling Queen made a mortal error." 

 His gaze shifted, and it was no longer hostile, no longer angry. 

" You are right. In the big picture, it is a tiny little dot compared to the rest of the canvas. You did leave him for me, and you did the right thing both emotionally and physically. The children deserve a proper family. I'm sorry for snapping. I'm not used to people owning up to their mistakes, and therefore need reminding. I keep forgetting that you are no ordinary woman."

" Alucard, you need to remember three things very fast. I am your queen, I am the mother of your children, and I am Farline Montgomery Dracula, the vampiric fire queen of all Nosferatu. I am far from being an ordinary woman, you ass."

" Dracula? You are taking my name?" 

" Yes. If I am to leave the past where it belongs, I should have my current and forever husband's name, shouldn't I? Be pretty odd if the three of you had it, but I didn't, now wouldn't it?"

He pulled me in, and kissed me, and it was as if nothing had changed. As if my escapades with Xander had never happened. This, this was the feeling of home.

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