:Chapter 2:

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I carefully moved around the young witch, her stomach healing shortly after feeding her my blood, just before she passed out from pain. I don't even think she knew she drank. I picked her up, and carried her outside, where Master was waiting for me. 

" Who's the girl?" My Master inquired, a lone brow raised in question.

" She was a solitary huntress who showed up to help. This was possibly a job site for her to earn a paycheck. There had been a human survivor, but I think she told him to run and seek medical aid. She fought admirably, even showing some arcane promise." 

" Arcane? As in magic?" 

" Possibly. She had accepted my bite, as a survival tactic. She did deny my offer at first, but when she felt trapped by her own hubris, she finally accepted it."

" Why did she need it at all?" 

" The werewolf caught her off guard and it's hind claws ripped open her stomach. She knew what I was before I had to even tell her." 

" Was she afraid at any point?" 

" I believe the only fear she held tonight was the fear of dying before she was ready." 

" She will be your responsibility. Anything happens to her, it's on your hands." 

" I understand that perfectly, my Master." 

" When she awakens, you will be the one dealing with her. Keep an eye on her. Head back to the Manor, she will be boarding with you in the sub-basement. Do you know her name?" 

" No, I never got it. Even her blood seemed to hide her from me." 

" Good grief. You turned her without getting even her name?" 

" It was irrelevant to saving her life, Master."

" Fine. You are dismissed." 

I left with my new little fledgling in my arms, her uniform made me chuckle at how sort of similar it was. It was as if it were modeled after my own, with a few modern touches. Her pistols were 40 caliber Smith & Wesson's, both had engraved wooden grips. I had used my shadows to manifest into my chamber at the Manor, and I placed her in my coffin. Pulling out her pistols, I looked them over. The grips were completely custom engraved, with the one grip had a plain circle on the outside, and on the inside grip, the Latin word 'Spiritus' was written in Old English, while the other had a upward triangle, with the word on the inside being 'Teine' in similar font, but I had no clue what the dialect it was written in, yet I had a feeling she would be able to explain. 

I placed them back in her holsters, and carefully unbuckled them from her, watching where my hands were due to them resting on her sides near her chest. I set them down next to the coffin, along with her face mask and glasses, and sat down in my throne, watching over her until she awoke. I knew she would need a custom coffin, as well as needing to be taught the ways of the vampire. I looked her over, just to learn her appearance. Her skin was was pale, but it seemed like it had been before the bite, a light dusting of freckles were on her face, across her cheeks and the bridge of her button nose. Her lips were painted a deep shade of black cherry, her eyes were dusted in a sparkling black, and it made her coppery blonde hair look almost like bronzed gold. She was definitely pretty, by most modern standards, her tall stature and petite yet curvy frame made her look weak, but she was far from it when I saw her fight.

Her corset top was shredded, as was the red shirt under it, the buckle holding her coat together was torn, and due to the previous gash she had, they were all soaked in her blood. Her blood had smelled sweet, but when I drank it, it was bitter, almost comparable to a lemon or a grapefruit. I thought on how she had used fire with her mind, and it got me thinking on if she will still possess this power after her transformation. If she did still have it, then she would be a very powerful fledgling. If not, then she could possibly mourn the loss of her gift, and will have to learn how to cope without it. A knock on my chamber door told me it was possibly Walter, and when I opened it with a tendril of shadow, the scent told me it had indeed been him. 

" Hello, Walter." 

" Hello, Alucard. Sir Integra asked me to see if the situation involving your new sired had changed." 

" She has yet to rise. I will require a new uniform for her, seeing as hers has been destroyed to a degree. Try to salvage her coat. I like how similar to my own it is." 

" I will go see if we have any female uniforms for her to wear, but I highly doubt it." 

" I don't want her in a female uniform. A skirt would hinder her movement, not to mention I think she would have a fit over it. I am requesting a custom uniform be made. Try to have it match her current one, I am trying to make this as painless as possible for this little draculina." 

" Why?"

" She didn't want the bite, originally, but changed her mind when she came to understand that it was her only saving grace. While yes, it was by choice, it is one she will feel shameful of for a small while." 

" In all the years we've known each other, you have never taken a fledgling. Why her?" 

" She showed prowess with fire magic, be it the ability to summon it with her mind or a spell, I wish to see if it will carry over into her new form." 

" So her new uniform will have to be fire retardant, then. Wonderful." 

" It shouldn't be to hard. Many fabrics now days can be imbued with the ability." 

" She looks young, and rather pretty. Will she possibly become your bride?" 

" That is still yet to be determined. I won't lie, I loved watching her fight the werewolf. She showed talent and skill, almost Amazonian in how she moved and battled the damnable creature. Her voice had an accent to it I didn't recognize, and I didn't catch her name. The only other aspect of her that makes me intrigued about her is her natural red eyes." 

" A human with red eyes? Do you think she has albinism, and she just dyes her hair?" 

" It's either that, or, as she put it, has a melanin deficiency. I confused her for a damphyr because of it. Her blood was also bitter, very akin to what humans describe as citrus. I believe she will prove to be an interesting addition to the Hellsing team."

" I'm going to go get started on the new uniform. When she wakes up, please have her relinquish her coat so it may be mended and cleaned. And Alucard, please, when she does wake up, let her know that Sir Integra would like to see her." 

" Of course. Thank you, Walter." 

" It's no matter at all." 

Walter left, and I let myself fall into slumber while I waited for my new fledgling to awaken.         

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