:Chapter 22:

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It was pitch black, and I had found where the creature stalking Anderson was hiding. It looked like a man, with a horrid skull-like face and made of cinders, ashes, and sticks, leaving the stench of burning flesh in its wake. It blended well into the trees and such, making it impossible to keep track of for long periods of time. I had finally found it, and it was watching the same house, waiting for a chance to attack, a way past the wards set up every night at dusk. I saw the boys bonding with Alexander. They adored him, from what bits and pieces I gather from listening in on the house through the telepathy I had with them. They all loved being there, and never once was my name ever uttered. The creature was doing it's usual circle around the house, looking for any gaps, and like usual, there were none, forcing it to move back to the tree line to watch with an intensity akin to a owl with a mouse in a hay bale.

 I moved silently, and at first chance, fired three rounds into it's head, thoroughly pissing it off and catching it's attention. 

" Hey! God Killer! Over here!" 

 It whipped it's head towards me, healing the wounds with ease. I had special iron bullets made, with it being a creature of Fell lore, only pure iron could truly harm or kill it. I had told Master that it was a danger to humans, when it wasn't, that allowed the bullets and ability to hunt the damn thing. I had it chase me into the open field, away from trees where it could hide, and took cheap pot shots at it to keep it pissed, everyone in the lone house coming out to see what the issue was. In an instant, the boys vanished back in the house, only to come back out with their weapons and gear on, much to Farley and Xander's protests, Xander holding Farley back from grabbing them. The boys would help confuse it, shooting it and cutting it, allowing my bullets to hit it. With the three of us, it should have died, then I remembered what the legend said. Only a true prince of destruction could kill it. I was a king. Not a prince. 

" Boys, on me!" 

They fell back, and I gave them each a clip of iron bullets. 

" You two need to shoot it with these. I'll keep it distracted, but only you two can actually kill it."

" Got it."

" Sure, Dad." 

We saw it making it's way to the house, only to have Styx pop off a bullet, and hitting it in the shoulder. This time it wasn't healing. It grew enraged, and came at us again. Styx and Kane kept shooting it, until they had it on it's knees, and with one final pair of bullets to it's head, it was dead. The body began to decay, scorching the ground, leaving nothing behind but ash and dust. 

" We did it! We fucking did it, Kane! Holy shit!" 

" Right, Oh my fucking god! We actually did that! What a fucking rush!" 

" I know right?!" 

I had a small giggle at how they were acting. Not for the hunter life, huh? We'll see about that.

" Good job boys, I'm proud of you. That was your first big kill. How do you feel?" 

" Like I did drugs and are at the peak of the high! Holy shit!" 

I actually laughed. " Well, now that you have a taste for it, how about coming to work with your old man here?" 

" Oh no. We still haven't forgiven you. You hit Mom. In fact, you almost hit me!" 

Styx grabbed Kane, holding him by the collar. 

" Easy, zippy. This is Dad. Just you feel like God right now doesn't mean you can take him like you are."

" Listen boys, about what happened with your mom. I'm sorry. I never meant for it to go that far. I let my blind hatred go too far. I never should've lost my temper like that. You are more than welcome to live here, I'll stay away and let you be your happy family of four. I just want you to know I'm proud of you, and that I do love you both very much." 

Xander and Farley had gotten over to us, and pulled them in for a hug, Farley more of a mess than Xander. He looked grateful.

" You kept your word." 

" Actually, it was the boys. I just supplied the bullets to do the job. I'm a king, not a prince. It was always meant to be one of the boys." 

" Now what?" 

I looked at Farley, and I could remember the massive bruise and sickening crack along her jaw. Her eyes were fuming, and I felt my skin get warm. 

" Farley, boiling me alive isn't really necessary, but its understood why you'd want to."

" Give me a reason not to! Hell slap it intae ye! You did this to yourself, you arrogant, mean bastard!"

" In case you are unaware, thanks to my persistent attitude, I just saved your precious Ard righ's life! Yeah, so you and knockoff here can be happy! I saved him so I didn't have to physically feel your grief! For fucks sake woman, I did you a fucking favor!" 

I was livid, but it seems what I said took them all for a ride. I felt my body cool, and Farley looked purely hurt and stunned. 

" You saved him, for me?" 

" Yes, you ungrateful bana-bhuidseach teine! I did it for you because I love you!" (fire witch)

Farley seemed even more surprised, then I remember she didn't know that fun fact. 

" Did you just speak Scottish?" 

" Yes. I was learning it in my spare time, and about a year ago I finally gotten through the learning books. I was tired of not knowing what you'd mumble under your breath, which by the way, call me a blood sucking bastard one more time, I fucking dare you, I'll remind you why I am the Nosferatu King of the Night! I am not a leech or mosquito." 

Xander even seemed surprised. He carefully placed a hand on Farley, and she hid into his side a small bit.

" Look, all of us need to calm down, take five, and breathe, yeah?"

" Aye, he be right." 

" Agreed. Look, just, give me a straight answer, here and now. Let's put an end to all of this bullshit and games. Farley, who do you want to be with? The boys need a steady life and I will not put up with them dealing with you flip flopping constantly." 

" Alucard, you hit me. You did something unforgivable. You threatened to hit my son! I have zero reason to want to come back. What you did was wrong, and you need to live with that knowledge. I lived with an abusive father. My kids will not have the same fate. The boys and I have talked, and we want to be living a normal life here in the country. It's safe and secure here, barely anything for miles, and it's a rather beautiful place. I love this place, this is my home." 

" I understand. Enjoy your life. I'm going back to England. I'll stay away. You want me, you know where to find me." 

I turned and left, not even bothering with goodbyes. I knew I had lost this scenario. I was fine with it. I'll be alive to find a true woman, a good one, worthy of the crown. I ran and formed into my bats, flying back to England with blood stained tears in my eyes. 

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