:Chapter 6:

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Farley loved me, and when I felt her kiss me back, I was on cloud 9. Her lips were so searing, I thought they'd burn me, and it was so sweet, I actually felt my teeth hurt. I had her wholly as mine, and I will never let anything take her from me. She was officially mine, and I will forever be hers. We got to Master's office, and I phased us both through the door, much to my Master's annoyance. 

" I see you two are now dating. Wonderful. I need you two to provide security for me tomorrow afternoon. I've set up a meeting with Iscariot to discuss our treaties and to go over other matters." 

" Um, who is Iscariot?" 

" They are the catholic church version of what we do, love. While we work under the banner of Her Royal Majesty and the Protestant church, Iscariot is sanctioned under the Pope and only the Pope."

" I see. So we will be providing you security from a bunch of pigs, got it. Oh, this is going to be a headache." 

" My sentiments exactly, Farley. I hate meetings with Maxwell, mostly because of the fact he brings along Father Anderson every damn time. He loves to stir the pot, so to speak with Alucard, and it's almost a fist fight every damn time."  

" What is Maxwell's proper title? And who is Father Anderson?" 

" Archbishop Enrico Maxwell is the leader of Sector 13, A.K.A Iscariot, and Father Alexander Anderson is a priest they gave a special surgical procedure to become an enhanced human soldier. He's called the Regenerator, the bayoneted priest, Saint Guillotine, and many others, but his most infamous one is Judas Priest." 

" Like the shitty hair metal band from the 80's? God my ex loved the band so damn much, I had to throw out every CD he tried to bring in the house." 

" Exactly, but with much more religious symbolism behind it. He is the top agent to Iscariot, much like how Alucard is our top agent, you being the second best. I'll need you two to keep him busy while Maxwell and I have our meeting. Absolutely no blood is to be shed, and no one is to fire bullets or blades at anyone. I want this to go as smoothly as possible." 

" Fair enough. What time do we have to get up?" 

" Set an alarm for 15 hundred. I know that's early for you two, but I'll let you have the night off to make up for it. Understood?" 

" Yes, Sir!" 

" Yes, Master." 

" Good. You are dismissed." 

We both left, and I could see Farley was having her thoughts getting jumbled. Her nose always scrunched up when she would be thinking, along with her biting her lip and playing with her sleeves. 

" What's on your mind, draga mea?" 

" Well, to be quite honest, I never really liked being around Catholics, and now that they are mortal enemy number one, I really want to just avoid them all together if I can."

I pulled her into me, her hands interlacing behind my head, her nose touching mine. 

" I give you my word, no one shall ever harm you or take you from me, for if they dare try, they will find out why I was known as son of the dragon." 

She gave a cute little chuckle, and it made me smile. She could always make me smile. 

" Alright, Mr. Impaler, calm down. You know what I want right now?"

" Story time?" 

" From inside my coffin. If we are to be up that bloody early, then we should get extra sleep to make up for it." 

" You really are smarter than most, aren't you?" 

" I try to be." 

She kissed me, and I felt the same euphoria sweep over me. I phased us to her coffin, moving mine next to it since we shared a room. I sat down in hers, letting her get comfortable in my lap as I continued to read the story to her. Eventually, I could hear soft, barely there snores telling me she had fallen asleep. I carefully moved from her coffin to mine, cursing the need to have separate ones. I kissed her head before closing the lid on hers ever so carefully. I sunk deeper into my own, closing the lid, and sending a silent prayer to someone that she stays safe during the meeting tomorrow. 

When Darkness BurnsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora