:Chapter 15:

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I was talking to Maxwell in his office, and he was fuming and absolutely cherry red in the face at how furious he was. 

" You brought her here?! Are fucking serious with me right now?!" 

" Farley wants to leave Alucard, to come back to live with me and work with us! I trust her choice!"

" No, your dick trusts her choice, you absolute lovesick puppy! She is a vampire, and not just any vampire, but THE BLOODY FUCKING BRIDE OF THE NO-LIFE KING! Do you not understand how much of a treaty break this is?!" 

" Maxwell, this doesn't involve Hellsing. This is solely between me, Alucard, and Farline. I have a plan to deal with this, I just need to know that so long as she is here, she is safe." 

" Why on earth would you kidnap her in the fucking first place?!" 

" I didn't. She came of her own volition."

" I don't understand how a woman can have you and him wrapped around her finger!"

A knock came from the door, and Maxwell opened it a bit roughly, only to have him back off and reverse his rage. It was Farley, and she looked scared, which is understandable. 

" Farley, love, why are you here? I said to wait in my room." 

" I heard shouting and got worried. Is everything all right?" 

Maxwell turned around, looked at me in surprise, and mouthed at me 'that's her?!' and I just had to laugh. 

" Farley, I want you to meet Enrico Maxwell, my boss. Maxwell, this is Farley O'Maide." 

" Oh, hello! I've heard nothing but wonderful things about you from Xander, although, to be honest, you are much taller than I had imagined." 

Farley offered her hand, and Maxwell took it hesitantly. " You aren't at all what I had envisioned either, Mrs. O'Maide." 

" Maxwell, as you can see, Farley isn't going to be a danger. Can she stay here?" 

You could see Maxwell fighting with himself before walking over to his desk, and collapsing into his chair, defeat ever present on his face. 

" Fine. While she is here, she can board with you, with the understanding that until further development, she is to stay in your room when you are away doing missions. I don't need other soldiers going into a frenzy about this. As for food for her, I'll figure something out."

" Maxwell, I got that covered. I'm immune to the bite, and it saves you any form of stress." 

" Fine. Have the medic give her a once over, then you are off for the evening to get her adjusted to living here."

We both left, and I noticed Farley had changed somehow. It was very tame, given what she'd been wearing, and it was rather refreshing to see her in something other than a short skirt or a corset, and it was nice to see she was wearing the coat I had given her. She was also wearing her glasses inside, as she often did around people. They were dark enough to hide her eyes from others and she could still see out of them. 

" You look nice, love." 

" Well, I figured a change of clothes would make everyone more comfortable." 

" Thank you. Has he contacted you?"

" Yes. I asked for a week so I could clear my head and figure things out." 

" Makes sense. You don't think he'd kill you, would he?"

" Oh, if he doesn't, I'll be surprised." 

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