:Chapter 5:

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It's been little over a month since I became a vampire, and I've found it wasn't that different from when I was human, just a bit of a different diet, and I was faster, stronger, the usual enhancements you get with vampirism. I loved how gentle and kind my Master was, and how the only one he was like that with was with me. Everyone else got malicious pranks or his more asshole-ish side. I also noticed how he made me feel special, and honestly, it was nice having a man's attention again. I forgot how nice it could feel being complimented, getting random little gifts, like how every night I wake up to a fresh red rose in a crystal vase next to my coffin. The coffin was the most lavish thing he's given me, and I honestly loved it.

 The wood was Holly, and it was given a beautiful maple stain, the cover had a very ornate nature scene burned into the wood, the hinges for it were copper, and it had an emerald green velvet interior, a small green and gold stitched pillow was with it, as was a beautiful matching green velvet blanket, the trim was gold, and a Celtic tree of life was stitched into it. It was very beautiful, and I was told it was more ornate than even his own. I also noticed in myself how I felt with him, and honestly, it was as if we've known each other forever. I felt so at ease with him, so natural, it was startling how someone I had just met resembled my Xander. The only major differences were in appearance, and if I'm not lying to myself, he was very handsome.

His raven hair seemed to move on it's own, his eyes were such a deep red, they seemed endless, and his pale pallor matched my own. His hands and skin were cool to the touch, and it always made me shiver. His tall stature made him a good foot over me, but barefoot, I stopped at his shoulder, and I was 6'2''. His voice was deep, and I loved how when he spoke, I could almost feel it in my bones. He was the perfect guy, hell, when he was out in public with me, and some guy would hit on me, or if one of the soldiers try to get too friendly, he would get possessive and protective of me. I was currently reading in the library, my favorite pass time when there were no missions. I loved to read silly little romance novels, and I was in the middle of one about a man who was in love with his wife's sister, but because of their high class status, to have such a scandal happen, it would ruin his life, so they have an affair behind his wife's back. 

I could feel Master walk into the room, and I felt him sit next to me. 

" Why do you insist on reading that dribble?" 

" I love romance novels. They can get quite graphic, and in all honesty, I find them sometimes quite silly. Like with this one, if the main man can just pull his head out of his ass for two seconds, he'd see that divorcing his wife for his wife's sister would be far less scandalous than sleeping with her behind the wife's back. It's all very silly, and honestly, it's rather foolish, but I love silly and foolish romance. It's fantasy, and sometimes we all need a little escape from reality." 

He rolled his eyes at me, before pulling out a book of his own from the shadowy folds of his jacket. It was a small book, the binding was leather, and on the cover in gold leafing that was clearly flaking from age, it said 'Regina Roșie'. 

" Regina Roșie? What's that mean?" 

" It's Romanian for 'The Red Queen.' It's an old story from when I was a child, and it was my favorite story. My mother would read it to me and my brothers before we would go to bed at night." 

" Oh, that's awesome! Would it be awkward to ask you to read it to me? I'd love to hear the story." 

He looked surprised at my request, and I felt a little embarrassed. 

" I would love to, draga mea." He spoke with a smile, the same gentle smile he only showed me. I put a bookmark in my page, and scooted closer, resting my head on his chest, his arm around me to hold the book properly. I loved his smell. Gunmetal, earth, smoke, and sage. It was surprisingly calming, and once he noticed I had settled, he began to read, his baritone voice translating the words, due to them being in Romanian. 

It was soothing, to hear him read to me about a peasant girl, who had fallen in love with a ruthless king, who was married to a woman known as the Red Queen. She was as ruthless as the king, and they ruled with an iron fist so tight, no one dared speak nothing but praise, lest they be punished for treasonous tongue. The peasant girl, ended up becoming the Red Queen's servant, and it was then the girl learned why she had been called the Red Queen. She would bathe in the blood of innocent virgins, claiming it would make her forever youthful, reminding me of the American serial killer Madame LaLaurie of Louisiana. As we continued to read about the girls ever increasing fear of being killed by the cruel Red Queen, a knock was heard, making me snap up to attention, feeling like a small school girl who had been caught by a parent. 

It was Walter, and the death glare Master was giving him, if it could talk, would have been spewing murderous threats. 

" What do you need, Walter?" 

" Forgive the intrusion, I was told that you two are to report to Sir Integra at once. She has matters of upmost importance to discuss." 

We both gave a low growl of annoyance, making us lock eyes, then laugh.

" We can finish this later, if you wish." 

" Oh, most definitely. I need to find out if the heroine kills or gets killed." 

He bookmarks the page with the red ribbon attached to it, and puts it back in the recesses of his coat. As we walked, I felt nervous, but not about what Sir Integra could have to speak about, but about how nice it felt to be curled up in Master's side, how safe and secure I felt. I knew I liked him as a person, but could I very well love my sire? I haven't loved anyone since my husband, and the idea of moving on scared me, but if I had the chance to do so, shouldn't I? It's been 6 years since he had died, and I knew moving on was a part of the getting better part of life.

" I can sense something is on your mind, Farley. What's making your gears turn?" 

" Master, I was wondering something. Would it be ok if we were more than what we are? Like, more than master and fledgling?" 

I noticed his gaze got a little wider, but not much, as if he was wearing a mask of sorts. 

" Farley, if we go down this road, you will no longer be my underling, but my equal, my bride, my Mate and will become the No-Life Queen. You do understand this, yes? Vampires don't take a lover so easily as many believe." 

" I do. I can't help but notice how happy I feel with you, how safe I feel. I haven't felt like this in 6 years. I forgot how nice it felt to be, well, to be in love with someone so unconditionally." 

He stopped walking all together, and he pulled me around to face him, his long, strong hands gently cradling my head, his crimson eyes were full of passion, love, desire, want, and absolute devotion. 

" You love me unconditionally? Do you mean that?"

I gently brushed his hair from his face, and gave him a soft smile. " Of course I mean it, silly. I usually don't say things like that if I don't mean them." 

" You'd willingly walk with me by my side forever until the end of time as my bride, my Queen?" 

" I'd be your Red Queen any day, my ruthless King." 

He pulled me into his lips, and the kiss felt like fire. Warm, passionate, and full of absolute devotion, I could feel how much he cared about me through our bond, and it made me want to cry. Who knew that this is where I found my new forever? When I pulled back, I saw a stray tear creeping down his face, and I wiped away the offensive red streak.

" I love you, draga mea." 

" I love you too, mo rìgh." (my king)

" We should go see what Master wants." 

" We should. Could be very important." 

We snuck a quick kiss in, before walking to Sir Integra's office, my fingers interlaced with his as his arm was around my waist, a smile on my face and his.         

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