:Chapter 20:

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I was in absolute horror at what Alucard had told me. The boys looked terrified, all while Alucard looked tired and not invested. 

" Alucard, we have to help him. We can't let him die by the hands of a monster!" 

" Farley, he chose this path, let him live it." 

" Vlad Dracula, you are fucking helping him! If you won't I will!" 

" You swore to me that you'd never go near him again, never even mention his name! Now you want me to help him! The very man who jeopardized our marriage and union?!" 

" Yes!" 

" Why should I?!" 

" Because if you don't, you broke your promise to me to play fucking nice! I understand I muddied things a small bit, but do not hurt him for my fucking mistake, a mistake by the way, thats sixteen years old at this point!" 

" That's not it! Why would the only person who can make us mortal again, a person mind you I've hated long before you came into my life, why would I save him?! Huh?! I say let him die, and then our worries are over forever." 

" Dad, Mom, screaming at each other won't help anyone! I want to help him." 

I saw the shock on Alucard's face at Kane's words. " You want to help him? Why?"

" Because, it's obvious he's important to Mom, and if you let him die, you'd be no better than grandpa. He's a royal who's held hostage to his current issue, and he needs our help. He is still a vampire, and isn't it the job of the Vampire King to help others when they can't help themselves, even more so to new and budding kingdoms like the one he's building?"

Alucard looked ready to break something, so I put myself between the kids and him. 

" You dare compare me to that vile bastard, child?" 

" Alucard, he has a point on some aspect. Please, reign in your temper." 

" Farley, move. I need to teach our son a very valuable lesson in respect." 

" You lay a hand on my son, I'll leave with them both and you'll never see them again. I'll go back to him, I swear it." 

He stopped, then backed off. " Fine. You win this one. I'll help him, damn it. Where in Scotland would he make home?" 

" Our old house was about an hour from Loch Ness. We'd go swimming there all the time. He'd make camp somewhere familiar." 

" You are coming with me." 

" Kids, go to your room and stay there. I'll know if you are snooping." 

The boys left, and I felt a sickening crack on my jaw. 

" You swore to me you didn't love him. You swore that you'd be wholly mine, and here you are, begging me to save the very mongrel I want dead!" 

I felt my jaw heal, and I looked at him, tears stinging my eyes. I got up, and started to pack up the essentials. 

" Where do you think you are going?!" 

" You hit me. You went and fucking hit me. You said you'd never hurt me. I'm taking the kids and leaving. I'm not bound to Hellsing like you are, and neither are the kids. When you stop raving like a lunatic, I might come back, but until then, you can be a raving lunatic of an old bat on your own."  

He didn't even move, but his demeanor did change to one of instant regret and remorse. 

" Draga, Farley, I'm sorry, I lost my temper, I never should've hit you. I'm sorry, please don't go." 

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