:Chapter 14:

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That crooked, slimy, bride stealing, foul mouthed, absolute maggot of a catholic pig! She was mine! He knew it, he even told her there would be consequences, and yet, had he said no, had he simply stopped it there, only Farley would've gotten a severe punishment for her infidelity, but no, he just had to be a spineless, weak willed, absolute bastard! He just had to fall for her like a fool! I knew something wasn't right when I felt Farley having an emotional breakdown through the bond, and so I had gone to check on her, only to find them both on a beach, being emotional with each other. I heard every word, and when I heard Farley ask Anderson to take her, right there in the sand, I felt my blood boil, and I refused to leave.

 I forced myself to watch every damn minute of my queens betrayal. I noticed how on the same part of the same leg, they had an exactly matching tattoo, and my thoughts of the night I had claimed her as her former husband had been doing so filled my mind. She said none of them had been about him. Why would she lie? Once I saw her summon her coffin, I knew I had lost her. It killed me, watching her get gingerly and tenderly be placed in the very coffin I had made for her. I sent out my threat with a roar, and I know he had heard me, for all pallor in his skin vanished as he used his holy pages to warp off that cursed beach.  I flew back to Hellsing manor, and destroyed my entire chamber, save for my throne and coffin. I was furious, and I know my Master could feel it, because she had summoned me to her office. 

I moved swiftly, and violently slammed her office door open. 

" What, Master?" I was fighting to control my voice, but all I wanted to do was scream, was to rip, tear, kill, destroy, and cause absolute chaos. 

" What has your feathers so ruffled, Servant?! Explain!" 

" Farley O'Maide is now no longer welcomed here at Hellsing. I see her, I'll kill her, the traitorous bitch! How dare she! And with her ex, of all fucking people! I'll kill them both, and I'll feast on their corpses like the bloody fucking king I am! They will rue the damn day they decided to betray me like this!" 

" Alucard! You aren't making much sense. Please, speak plainly!" 

" My bride cheated on me with Judas Priest! I get my hands on the whore, I'll kill her! I'll show her why you don't double cross the king of all Nosferatu!" 

" Was it her, or was it Anderson who started it?" 

" Oh, it was her, the harlot! I heard it all, I saw it all! She had asked the damnable question, and due to his weak will with her, he succumbed to her desires. I...I lost her to the one man she told me to never worry about. She lied to me, Master. She lied to me, she betrayed me, and all for what? A half cooked pipe dream and a man who can't give her what I can. Master, she hurt me." 

I fell to the floor on my knees, tears pouring at a rate I never knew they could, and I sobbed, I let myself mourn the loss of the one person I thought I'd always be able to trust. I was so enraptured in my own misery, I didn't notice that Master had moved and had placed my head in her lap, her hand rubbing my back as I cried like a baby. 

" I am so sorry this happened to you, Alucard. She seemed like the perfect woman for you. I'm sorry her heart was easily persuaded by old fascinations and false promises. I am sorry that even after everything you've been through, you couldn't catch a single break with one aspect in your life that you should never have had to feel fear."

" Master, I don't know what I'm going to do." 

" She is still a vampire, yes? Still bound to you?" 

" Not in the same way. Mate bond and servant bond, is very different. One is founded on trust, while the other is simply something that happens to keep the newly made vampire in control." 

" Can't you use your powers to force her to become subservient again?" 

" No. She is her own vampire. The only thing I can do is talk to her with the mental connection the bond formed." 

" So talk to her through that. Maybe you can get her side of it, and understand why and what she was thinking. Perspectives are important, as is communication. I had her mentally evaluated when she arrived, and she is diagnosed with impulsive behaviors and with minor panic attacks to certain stimuli. Maybe she had one of these mental breakdowns and you just need to talk to her about it." 

I sat up, and got on my feet, wiping my eyes dry. " You are right. I should. The space between us will be good for the conversation to remain civil." 

I went back to my chamber, and sat down in my throne. I felt for Farley in the shadows, and found her sitting in a room in Rome, and she was alone, Anderson must've been talking to Maxwell about what's gone on. 

' You've been extremely disloyal, my bride.' 

I saw the fear on her face, before it was replaced with anger befit her fire. 

' Listen, I planned on explaining everything. I have a reason for everything that has happened.' 

' I am all ears.' 

' It was a literal moment of weakness. I am a vampire, and he is my drink of holy water. I felt that if I didn't, I would be missing out on something. It was closure for me, and for it to go as far as it did...I am sorry that it happened when it did, but please understand that I never once wanted to hurt you.' 

' Never wanted to hurt me? You asking him to take you like an animal in the sand of that beach was an act of betrayal, and I have zero room for it in my kingdom, especially from my supposed to be ever loyal Queen.'

' You saw that? You heard all that?' 

' Of course I did. I felt your distress within our bond, and wanted to check up on you, make sure you were alright, to find you having a primal fling. Farley, I want you know that if you come back now, and never see him again, never utter his name around me again, then I'll forgive you and everything can go back to how wonderful it was before he came back from the grave, we can do couples therapy if necessary, I can get you the best therapists to help you with your impulsivity and anxiety. It can go back to everything that was perfect before. What do you say? Come back to your king, or stay in exile with your runaway affair?'

' Can I have a few days to think? I need space to clear my head and I want to be able to make a proper choice. You both deserve that much.'  

' You have one week to make up your mind. After a week, I expect an answer. Is this fair enough?'

' More than you think. I really am sorry. I hope you know that.'

' Also, I thought you two didn't have matching tattoos?'

' We don't, at least, to my knowledge.'

' Then why do you both have the same tattoo on the same part of the leg?'

' I'll talk to him about that. I'll talk to you again in a week.' 

' One week, my bride.' 

I let her go, and left her to think for one week. In one week, I'll either have her back forever, or I'll kill her as to make that fucking priest understand that there are consequences for stealing things that don't belong to you.  

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