:Chapter 8: (Lemon/18+)

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I woke up to the sound of someone messing with my coffin, and I instantly opened the lid and popped my head out, to find a six eyed dog gently scratching at it, and it actually looked cute, in a rather macabre way. 

" His name is Baskerville. He could sense you were having nightmares, and so he woke me up to tell me to wake you up." 

I look up, and notice Alucard sitting in his throne, his dress shirt was open and his boots were missing. It was the most relaxed I had ever seen him, and it looked damn near impossible to not want to succumb to the raw sex appeal he held. 

" Baskerville, huh? What is he?" 

" A familiar. Every vampire worth their salt has one."

" How do I get one?" 

" You need to become a master vampire, first, and to do that you need to drink my blood."

He beckoned me closer, and I carefully walked over. He tapped his leg, and so I sat down, and to be honest, it felt nice, it was still the only place I really felt safe in the world. 

" I love you, and I can't imagine a world without you next to me, reigning as my queen. Drink from me, and become my equal. Drink, and become a true draculina." 

He undid the last two buttons on his shirt, and exposed his neck to me. I felt honored that this was his way of calling me his equal. I kissed him, and kissed a trail along his jaw, his hand undoing my braid, eventually burying his hand and holding my head. I kissed his jugular, earning a sharp intake of a breath, before I swallowed my fear and sank my teeth into his neck, careful not to bruise the muscle. His blood was smooth, rich, strong, and I could feel his ancient power flow through it, his title as No-Like King. This was the blood of Dracula, and I loved it. I didn't like the taste of blood that much, but I loved the taste of his, and it was damn near addicting. After a few mouthfuls, I felt the bond we had vanish, and it scared me, no, it absolutely terrified me. 

" You are afraid. Why, regina mea?" 

" The bond, it's gone." 

" It will be replaced by a much stronger one, when you are ready for such a step." 

" I don't like not having you there. It makes me feel alone." 

" You are never alone. I am always here with you. Until the end of time, remember?" 

" Until the end of time. So, this next step, what is it?" 

" It is called the Mating process." 

I moved from his lap to straddling him, his hands resting on my waist. I had never seen him shirtless, and I had to admit, I loved the view. He looked to be carved from a perfect slab of limestone, as if Donatello himself had made him, his lean muscle definition was insane, and I absolutely loved it. 

" Oh? Sounds...fun." 

" Can be. Interested?" 

" Oh, if it's what I think it is, most definitely." 

I kissed him, and it was different. It felt primal, it felt consuming, it was animalistic. I felt him move his hands from my waist to my ass, and as smoothly as if I wasn't there, picked me up and stood, my ankles instinctively wrapping around his waist, my arms wrapped around his neck. 

" I love you, draga mea regină." 

" I love you too, mo rìgh gràdhach. Now, show me how vampires love one another." 

" If I break you, I'm not apologizing." 

" I don't want you to." 

" Woman, you are going to be the death of me. Come here." 

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