:Chapter 29:

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(A/N: I know the song is about Bioshock, but the words are just too perfect for this situation and scenario. sue me, lol.)

*Vlad Dracula*

I woke up in a warm room. The first thing I see is a sky blue canopy, I feel velvet on my bare skin, smell of lilac and lavender. I sit up, and a velvet blanket as black as night slides off my chest. I notice a ornate massive mirror sitting floor to ceiling, with a piece of paper tucked into the frame. I get up, and walk over, grabbing it and reading the familiar flowing script that was my own handwriting, but slightly more messy.

' Once you are dressed, touch the skull, then punch in the code 234.'  

I raised a brow, but looked around for something resembling a wardrobe, and found one next to the bed with a changing screen. I opened the ornate handles, and saw a black suit with a grey vest, red tie, and white shirt. I pulled it all on, then went back to the mirror. I looked myself over before following the paper. I looked like I had in my 40's, stocky and built frame, not much else was different there. My hair was cut in a rather unique fashion, with one side shaved down and the rest being long and curled, as usual, but styled into a braid. My facial hair was a little bare, but I guess that was what was in style. I noted how my eyes were the same blue as most of the color accents here, and honestly, it was a nice change of pace. Once I was satisfied, I touched the skull, and it's mouth opened to reveal numbers I had to rotate into place. I rotated them to the right number, to realize it was a bible verse. Psalms 23:4. I had a small chuckle as I clicked the last number into place, the mirror rippling like disturbed water, to reveal a massive figure in a three piece suit with a bare skull showing, horns larger than the mightiest tree and two ethereal blue orbs resting in his eye sockets. I felt a familiar chill crawl across my skin, and involuntarily shivered. 

" Good, you figured it out. I was worried you'd get stuck. Now, do you know where you are?" 

His voice was still the same as it had been in the Void, but less spread out and more focused.

" Nope. I haven't looked outside yet." 

" This is also good. You are in a home only you can access. It is in Scotland, about 7 hours from where your family lives. This is where you will come home to every night. You must sleep in the bed provided in order for you to properly regain energy. To rest anywhere else will result in a penalty. A penalty is 6 months of human time added to your current sentence. Do you understand this?"

" Of course. Now, what are my first set of marching orders?" 

" You are to reconnect and reconcile. You no longer have rights to your vampiric kingdom. You are a Reaper now, Vlad. Remember this." 

 " Alright. Is it Vlad Dracula, or just Dracula now?" 

" You always will be Vlad Dracula. This I cannot help. Now, you have a personal vehicle that I believe you will find suitable for travel. I will speak to you more once you are in the car." 

The mirror rippled and Death was gone. I took a breathe, enjoying the motion I once took for granted. I walked out of the room, noting the ornate skull and bones motif of the place, how everything was a shade of light grey, eerie ethereal sky blue, all the way to pitch black. I walked down a hall, and saw every room had a label. My room was called 'Vlad's Private Chamber', and I had to chuckle. As I walked along, I found a massive door called 'Car Port', and found it was a push to open. I pushed on the solid Ebonywood door, and saw a beautiful glossy black car. The model, make, and other such stuff was lost on me, but the motif of the building was also on the car. Headlights looking like skulls holding the lights in agape mouths, the chrome touches were perfectly beautiful. I opened the door, and saw a small portable compact mirror on the passenger seat. It was a simple pentacle on the outside. There were symbols I knew to be the alchemist signs for the elements. A note was underneath it.

' Start at your element and follow the points to open.'     

 What in the-what do you mean my element? The only elements I knew of were in Witchcraft an-oh sweet fucking christ. What was my birth sign? I was born December 2nd, and I knew year didn't matter. December was Sagittarius if I remembered correctly, and I knew it was fire. I looked at the mirror, and did the pentacle starting at fire, and it glowed a small bit before snapping open. 

" Wonderful, you figured it out. This will be your portable phone special for me to contact you. Keep this on you at all times, no matter what. Failure to do so will result in another penalty. Understood?"

" As clear as glass. Now, how does the car work, I don't see a key."

" It responds to your touch, and yours alone. It is locked to everyone else, the glass is unbreakable, and the car will not take any damage. It is also unable to sink should you end up in a watery situation while working. Touch the wheel and say 'ignition start'.

I set the mirror on the dash, and gripped the wheel. " Ignition start." 

The car roared to life, and it sounded like a beast from the bowels of hell, and all I could do was grin like a maniac. 

" This car will respond to almost any need you have. It comes with a button looking like the sign for home, push it and it will auto drive you back here. It is also set up to not accept my calls if you are driving. This does not mean if you get angry with me you just drive around to ignore me. You will learn to do this all mentally, and over time, the verbal command will vanish." 

" Alright. What else?" 

" You will find the home of one Emperor Alexander O'Maide and one Empress Farline O'Maide set to your GPS system. You will not feel exhaustion from the long drive you have. I will call you once you cross the border of their kingdom. I expect you to answer." 

" Yes-Uh, what do I call you?" 

" Most call me Sir or Master, but I will respond to almost anything. The almost implies insults will not be tolerated." 

" Right. I await your call, Sir." 

The mirror snapped shut, and I placed it inside my inner suit pocket. I put the car in drive, and let the GPS guide me to where I needed to go.     

When Darkness BurnsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora