:Chapter 16:

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I made my way outside, and took a huge breath of the night time air. I could feel it would be dawn soon, but I loved the smell of the air. I knew I needed to talk to Alucard. He deserved to know. 

'Alucard, I need to talk to you. Are you alone and not too busy?'

' I am. What is on your mind, draga mea?'

' I just talked to the Iscariot doctor, and he told me some interesting news.'

' Oh? And what might that be?'

' I'm pregnant. I am with a child.' 

He went dead silent, and that scared me. Was he mad? Was he happy? I was about to go inside, when I felt him close by. I saw him, plain as day, red coat and all, walking to me, his face twisted in a rage I never saw before. 

" Please tell me this is a cruel joke! A female vampire can't have a child! It's impossible!"

" See for yourself then." 

I kept my voice calm and gentle, took his hand, and placed it on my stomach, and his wrath, rage, and fury, it all melted away into a calm, collected, almost joyful and hopeful look. 

" Draga mea, I can feel it. I sense it. Do you know for certain if it is mine or-?"

" I won't until seven weeks from now, then the doctor can run the tests." 

" Farley, I revoke my week, and will give you the seven you need to find out the truth. If the child is mine, and you do not want to be queen no more, then I will gladly raise the child myself. I will not be so cruel as to revoke your rights as it's mother, but if you do not wish to be with me, then I understand that request, and will respect it." 

" If it is Xander's, what then?" 

" Then I'll leave you to be with the family I know you've wanted for years. I'll stay away. You deserve the happiness you've been seeking for years, and if I can no longer give you that, then I'll understand." 

" Can you promise me something, please? I know it will be asking a lot of you, but I'll feel better knowing this is something that is in place."

" Should anything happen to you and Xander to where you both are incapable of taking care of them, I will more than gladly step up and do my best to take care of them. You have my word, Farley, I'll protect them like they were my own." 

" Thank you. I know this is all such a massive mess, but I want you to know that this is never what I wanted." 

" I know. Love is a complicated thing, makes us do foolish things and act in rather moronic ways. I shouldn't have been so angry with you. I understand that you are still very much human at heart and have human mental ailments. I will be here should you need me. I am but a simple thought away." 

" Thank you." 

I gave him a hug, and he returned it, pulling me in closer and holding me tighter than usual. I looked up into his eyes, and saw the love and the hurt. I had hurt him badly with my recklessness.

" Your warden is watching. I should go. Remember, a thought away, draga mea." 

Alucard left, and I felt Xander next to me. 

" I take it he took it in stride?" 

" He's letting me stay here for the seven weeks the doctor would need to be able to run his tests. If it comes back as his, and I don't want to be with him, he's willing to raise the child on his own, allowing visitations." 

" And if it's mine?" 

" He made me a promise to take care of it should anything happen to both of us, to where we no longer can be there. He's going to leave me alone if it comes back to be yours."

" I see. For being an absolute beast, he really is a decent man at his core." 

" He knows how it feels to lose a family, and he doesn't want people to ever go through that."

" Fair enough, I guess. Come on, it's almost dawn, and you need rest."

With the dawn rising, I went and made my way to my coffin, letting sleep engulf me.

When Darkness BurnsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora