:Chapter 19:

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Once Farley and the boys were gone, I moved through the shadows to the one place I never wanted to go to ever again, but it was a need at this point. I made my way to the Carpathian mountains, and found the one place I was looking for. It was an old camp, been there for centuries, and it belonged to the royal werewolf family, Kakota. I land in my Count form, the one they'd recognize with ease, and walked in with my hands raised. Instantly, several wolves had me surrounded, spears pointed at me with snarls. 

" You must be seeking death coming here, bat." 

" I need to speak to your King, Lahoa. He needs to know something, and help me understand something else. I mean no harm, my hands are raised in a temporary truce while I am here."

" Do you swear it?" 

" On my family, I swear it." 

The obvious Alpha reverted back, as did the rest, and they escorted me to the king. Lahoa and I went as far back as my creation, having been the human Romani to tell me of the river. He got the bite a few moons later, and we used to be friends, until he decided to forcefully sleep with the woman who at the time had been my fledgling, ending in her death when she told on him to me. I never forgave him, and since then, we've been enemies. 

I saw the old wolf, his coat was almost as silver as the metal itself, and his brown eyes roamed me with an amused gleam.

" Well well, Vlad Dracula. What brings you to my lovely home?"

" Hello Lahoa. I come bearing news." 

" We already know of your children and wife. Beautiful family you've made for yourself." 

" Thank you, but that's not why I'm here. I'm here about a new vampire walking the earth." 

" Oh? Are they yours?" 

" No. They are a new No-Life King, The Day-Born King, if you will." 

Lahoa looked scared, as he should. " What do you mean?" 

" A group of vampire Romani brought him to the river. The rest is pretty self explanatory."

" I see. Now, how do we deal with this? A Reverser could prove problematic for your kind of vampire."

" How do you figure?" 

" A Reverser vampire can bring back those on the brink of death, giving them full bills of health, can turn bitten vampires human, can turn vampires like you and your children human, they can walk in the sun, touch blessed reliquary. They can undo everything you can, hence the term Reverser. Who is it?" 

" Former Iscariot agent Judas Priest, Alexander Anderson."

" Oh no. A Reverser who can hunt?! Are you for fucking real with me right now, Vlad?!" 

" I'm not messing with you." 

" Vlad, normally I'd let you rot, but you have a family now, and I'm not one to rip that from you, knowing your history with the topic. Should you ever need my aid to hide, you have it." 

" Oh, I'm not in danger, he won't touch me or my kids thanks to my wife. I want to know what makes the Reverser scared shitless."

" There is only one thing that can kill a Reverser, and if one was made, it's been awakened, and oh boy, it's pissed. This thing is knows as to us by Dumnezeule ucigaș."

" God killer? Why?" 

" It's only job is to snuff out any form of hope in the world. Creatures like us are safe, we create chaos, destruction and everything of the like. Reverser's are revered as healers, hero's, beacons of hope. If it gets it's claws into him, he's deader than even you." 

" Is there a way to destroy it?" 

" Legend says only a true prince of destruction can destroy it, seeing as it was made by a litche millennia before us." 

" I thank you for this information. I need to go inform my family of this."

" Vlad, I'm warning you. You kill this thing to protect him, you are only salvaging your downfall." 

" I'm not scared of him. I've known him for years. I trust him with my unlife." 

I left, no one stopping me as I ran, forming my swarm of bats to head back to Hellsing. Once I saw the manor, using my shadows, I moved inside, sitting in my throne. It was well into daybreak at this point, and I was exhausted. I checked to find my children and wife sleeping, so I moved to my coffin, passing out rapidly once the lid was shut.      

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