:Chapter 25:

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I watched in horror as they started literally dog fighting. I was so sick of this, I was so tired of this. I snuck away from the kids, and made my way down to the old armory, where I knew I could find what I wanted. I looked for the knives, and sure enough, I found a blessed knife. I picked it up with a cloth, and made my way into the back of the mansion, looking up at the moon one last time. 

" Morrighan, take me home to the land beyond the fog. Xander, kids, please, forgive me."

And with one good thrust to my heart, I felt it do what I wanted. I was finally free, with my last gaze being that of the moon at it's whitest and fullest.


I felt it. It was so sudden, it actually knocked me back and stopped me from moving. I reverted back to my human form, and ran to the back of the Manor. No, please no, don't let me find her, please. I had everyone else behind me, wondering why I had just taken off, then, just from the smell of the blood, they knew, and I felt my bones rattle from the roar of grief from one very angry former priest.


We both were in tears, tracks of scarlet pouring down our faces as we found her, hunched over on her knees, her face towards the ground. 

" No! Farline, no, please, no! Mo Bhanrigh, mo ghaol, please, get up. Show me you are ok!" (my queen, my love) 

I carefully moved her, and found her hands tightly around the handle of a blessed blade, and it was deep in her. It had pierced her heart. She killed herself. Xander let out a roar, and I just collapsed. I was to blame for this. In my selfishness, I had pushed her to this brink. I was truly a monster. The kids saw, and they collapsed, Kane being held back by Styx so he didn't hurt anyone. Xander finally looked at me, and turned his unbridled rage at me. 


I let him scream at me, I didn't move, speak, nothing. I couldn't. I destroyed what I had so sought out to protect. I deserved to die. I deserved to die, to pay for my crime here, and to never see another sunrise. I got up, and it made Xander temporarily quiet, watching. 

" Alexander, I want you to bite me." 

Everyone looked surprised by my request, most of all Xander.

" I beg your pardon?" 

" I want you to bite me. I don't deserve to live. I can finally say that I officially went too far and paid the price. Just bite me, turn me human, then with the very knife you see, kill me." 

" I won't do it. You deserve to rot in misery!" 

" Please, kill me."

" No."

" Come on, Sword Dancer! Remind me why you had earned that name! Do what you promised me almost 40 fucking years ago! I went too fucking far! Kill me, Saint Guillotine, for I should atone for my fucking sins! Ash to ash and dust to dust Anderson, remember?! BRING ME MY DOWN FALL JUDAS PRIEST!" 

It happened so fast, I barely registered it. A sharp sting in my shoulder, and I could feel my life changing back. I could breathe, smell less intensely, my vision getting blurry, I was becoming human. I could taste the air in a less intense way, I felt heavier, and when I saw my reflection on the small amount of blade, my eyes were hazel.

" I made her a promise, and I plan on keeping it. The boys are in good hands, as is the kingdom. In the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." 

" Amen." 

I felt his fist go through me, and the last image I had was my literal heart in his hands. 

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