The Beginning

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"Cleo, cmon come join me for a few drinks it's Friday, it's payday and we all need to let our hair down", "oh I don't know Lucy it's been a long week, I'm tired and am not really dressed for a night out on the town!", "who cares cmon your young, free and single and only nineteen years old you really need to live a little!" "Yeah maybe I do I think to myself, all I seem to do is work, eat and sleep", "ok well at least give me 10 minutes to freshen up", "yayyyy! Wow that was hard work il see you down stairs at front door in around 20 minutes" I rush to the toilet quickly put some mascara on and freshen up using the last bit of perfume I had in my bag I mean how many 19 year old girls that are single never ever go out? It's never really bothered me I can't stand loud, drunk and out of control people I look in the mirror Cleo Lawrence you really need to let your hair down, relax and just have some fun. Oh it's only a few drinks!.
I get downstairs and see Lucy is impatiently waiting for me "that was a long 20 minutes girl cmon 'Taxi'!" "Where are we heading too anyway?", "let's head down to Jessie blues first and see what it's like in there", I'd only ever stepped in that place once the music was so loud I couldn't hear a thing anyone was saying so just felt like all I could do is stare at people! Women grinding men up and down. We pull up outside I pay the taxi man and we head straight in, There was live singers on this evening and this stunning blond lady was singing with a guitar she sounded amazing and I was captivated "what you drinking?", "oh il just have a vodka and orange please", "two double vodka's and orange please", "doubles!!!, it's only early still", "dam girl cmon you need to let that hair down of yours" Lucy takes the clip out of my hair and it falls down to the bottom of my back. "That's better now smile, drink and have some fun".
  After an hour I'd already had 3 double vodkas I did feel more relaxed and actually was enjoying listening to the woman sing. "This is my last song for tonight guys but you do have the lovely Sean O'Callaghan playing for you next". She finishes her last song, we order another drink I feel a little tipsy "shall we have one more and make a move it's 10PM now don't wanna get the last bus home with all the drunks", "Are you serious?? Girl we're only just starting it's still really early", "ok one more after this one then that's my lot".
Ladies and Gentlemen please give it up for the one and only Sean O'Callaghan everyone in the room cheers, whistles and claps their hands. I turn around to have a look and couldn't believe what a beautiful tall, dark, handsome man that stood on the stage. "OMG isn't he just the most beautiful specimen of a man you have ever seen Lucy", "you have had one too many I think girlie, I mean his ok but not my type, right you wanna finish these drinks and go yeah?", "Erm I think we could properly stay for one more don't you?", "well someone's changed their tune, I ain't one to turn a drink down go on then it's your round!" I laugh at Lucy and head to the bar to get more drinks, walking back to our seats I notice Lucy has moved nearer to the stage I walk over to her I lock eyes with Sean and he locks eyes with me and gives me the most charming smile I've ever had, I smile back nervously and sit down next too Lucy. "Why did you move seats?", "Well I thought you would like to get up close and personal to the 'beautiful man' as you quoted, and it seems to have worked seeing the way he just smiled at you!". I sat their listening to his husky voice singing your sex is on fire and I'm not gonna lie it was turning me on!, Jesus what's happening to me I've never ever felt like this before!. I look at my phone Oh it's half 11 "Lucy I think we should go soon we can catch the last bus home", "Are you sure you don't wanna stay you can hang around maybe even get to talk to him", "what? No, no way am I doing that cmon drink up let's go" I down the last of my drink and get up slightly staggering having drunk 6 vodkas and not normally ever drinking has hit me more than I thought as I started walking I turned around to see him smile and put his hand up as if to say goodbye I smiled back and we walked out of the club. We started walking to the bus stop when we got their we were 5 minutes to late "Dam it!! Call a
Cab Lucy my phone has low battery", Lucy goes to get her phone out "Cleo I can't find my phone, I must have left it in the club", "Are you being serious?". We head back to the club and Lucy runs down to where we were sitting I stand at the bar and look over to the stage to see a different person singing Lucy runs back "it's not there, let me ask behind the bar" why Lucy goes to ask the barman I turn around and would you believe it sitting on the stool right beside me was him 'Sean O'Callaghan' "Hey beautiful I thought you left!, can I get you a drink?", "Hi, Erm no I'm good thanks I'm just waiting for my friend who has lost her phone then we're heading home" OMG he looks even more handsome close up!. "Bit early to be going home aint it on a Friday night? I take it you have someone at home waiting for you aye?", "No I don't actually", "well cmon stay and have a drink with me unless you really do have somewhere more important too be?" Oh gawd is he being serious right now I mean there's more to this guy in a mysterious way. "Ok just one", "Richie two double vodkas and lemonades please boss", "sure coming right up" the bar man passes us our drinks. Where is Lucy she's been gone ages I look around and can't see her anywhere! "I'm just going to go to the ladies room il be back in a sec", "no problems sweetheart". OMG sweetheart I head to the ladies and find Lucy reapplying her makeup. "OMG Cleo have you seen that Bar man Richie he is Hot!", "Yes I've seen him and Ive just been brought a drink by that Singer Sean", "Cmon we need to get back out their not everyday you pull two delicious men!" I smile and Lucy and we head back out she goes round one side of the bar and I go back to where I was sitting. "I thought you did a runner", "why would I run away?" He turns and winks at me I start chatting to him about his singing ask him questions like does her preform here a lot so he performs here every Friday and Saturday, his been singing for 10 years and is 31 years old! Ok I know a little old for a nineteen year old girl but I liked him he seems more mature and wiser than a lot of blokes/boys I'd met before. The bell at the bar rings "last orders ladies and gents", Lucy and Richie head over towards us "Erm Cleo, were gonna head on out to another bar now, fancy joining us I mean both of you are welcome", "I'm good Lucy I look at my watch 1am I'm gonna head home", "you ok getting a cab?" "Go on you lovebirds you head on home and il take care of Cleo make sure she gets home safe" Sean looks down at me and smiles I smile back "Are you sure? I mean il be fine by myself", "I wouldn't leave a pretty little thing like you on her own to get home all alone". I say goodbye to Lucy and tell Richie to look after her, "I will", "enjoy the rest of your night guys".
"Right suppose I better get my cab booked then I remember my battery had gone on my phone "dam it!", "what's up sweetheart?", "my battery is dead", "Il call one from mine where you heading too? "Flat 65 Belmont street", He walks over to the door to call the cab and comes back "be 10 minutes", "thankyou", "have you any coffee at yours?", OMG does he seriously wanna come back to mine for coffee I freeze not knowing what to say "Erm.... yes I think so", "mind if I join you for one?", "erm yes sure" we head outside and spot the cab I've never felt so nervous in all my life wow what a night meet a handsome man who actually seems to like me and now his in a cab with me and we're heading to my house to have coffee eek not a bad night. "What you smiling at?" He asks "who me smiling, I wasn't smiling!" He stares at me and grins, oh gawd them lips I can't help but stare he locks eyes with me then looks and my lips and goes in for the kiss, I kiss him back and wow just wow my heart is fluttering and beating so hard I don't want the kiss to end he breaks the kiss locks into my eyes and puts him arm around me "now you are smiling".

Hi all, so just to let you all know I'm currently at the hospital where I'm sitting with my mum, she is at end of life care, she is un responsive and I can't switch off so thought I'd try and write my first story for something to do. I'd appreciate if you could vote and comment with your thoughts and feelings, this story at times is very doom and gloom and I'd say don't read if under the age of 16. Love and health to you all :-)

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