Meeting daniel

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Picking out my clothes and taking a shower, getting dressed for a party that started at 7:30. It was 7:56 by the time I got dressed finishing my hair and putting on lip gloss. It was the 1980's and everybody had a car except me, so my mom drove me to the party. When we got there I gave my mom a kiss and hopped out the car. I went in the building looking for the person who told me about this party, my friend Kam. The party was filled full of people, I tried calling Kam but she didn't answer the phone. So I walked and searched for her, but there was no sight of her. I felt like I was being watched, that's when somebody walked over to me. It was a boy, a cute one too. Are you okay? The boy said. Yeah I'm fine. I responded then looked at him as he was glaring in my eyes. His eyes are so big and beautiful I thought. He asked me if I wanted to dance. I wanted to but I was looking for my friend I told him. He asked me if he could help me look for her. We talked as we looked for her. 40 minutes after looking the party was over, and my mom wasn't answering the phone. Ya want a ride home? He asked. How do I know I can trust you. I gave him a look as he gave me one back, if I was crazy I would of been made a move. Good point I said. So I grabbed my things and got in the car. We talked, laughed and listened to music. So do you have a name? He asked smiling. Laurian, Laurian Pray and you? Daniel, Daniel Larusso. We arrived at my house and exchanged numbers. He told me he was going to text me when he got home. I said okay and went in my house thinking about the night I spent with this Daniel Larusso, then he texted me until 12:00 then I told him I have to go to school tomorrow and it was gonna be my first day. He understood and we said our goodbyes. I thought and thought and thought till I fell asleep dreaming about Daniel Larusso. I woke up the next day smelling bacon and eggs I brushed my teeth, washed up and got ready for school. I ate really quickly and was ready to go to school. When I arrived I was so nervous it was a new school that meant new people. I searched around looking for people that I knew that was going to this school and there they were my friends Sydney, Kam, and Neah. I kissed my mom goodbye as my friends walk over. We talked as we walked around, I tell them what happen last night and they don't believe me. So I'm still trying to tell them I'm telling the truth but they won't believe me, as I'm just about to give up I hear my name being called from behind me. I turn around curiously and there he is the boy who gave me a ride home the boy, I texted until 12:00 in the morning. I was so happy to see him and said with a smile on my face "Daniel!" I could tell he was happy to see me to because he had a smile on his face too. My friends was so shocked they didn't know what to say, so they told me they'll see me at lunch. He walked me to my class room and before I went in he asked me out. I was so so so thrilled on the inside and tried to stay calm and cool on the outside as I said yes. "Great I'll see ya at 6:35!" He said. I nodded my head, he gave me a hug and went the other direction and I went into the class room. After I had a couple more classes and went to lunch with my friends. As I was getting my lunch I was looking for Daniel but I didn't see him, so I walked to the table my friends was at. They wanted to know what happened so I told them everything. They are telling everything I should do tonight like what should I wear and things like that, but I told them I'm gonna just be myself around him. "Girl he is fine." Kam said smirking. "Finally I'm not the only one at this table dating some one!" Sydney said in relief. "How did you get a boyfriend before me?" Neah said with a confused face. " he is not my boyfriend." I said laughing. I liked Daniel a lot but I don't know how he feels about me. As I finished the rest of my lunch the bell ringed and the rest of the day went by fast. I cought the bus home.

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