chapter XX || dead

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Every single day after Scout was tortured, the masked man's guards brought him back to the torture room for even more. He spent the time in his cell either crying, thinking, or talking to himself. He knew he was going to die there. The masked man forced Scout to eat after a few days. He didn't want his "star patient" to die. If he died, he wouldn't be able to torture him anymore. No one else was fun for him to torture.

Scout couldn't take it anymore. He just wanted to die. He was going insane in his cell. But after a while, the masked man stopped torturing him. No one came to him for a day, not even the lady that brought him food. All Scout could hear from his cell was soldiers hustling past. He also heard an announcer, but not the one back at his base.

All of a sudden, the door opened. "If you're here to torture me—" Scout said, but then realized it wasn't the masked man or his guards. It was the lady.

"We need to get out of here. Everyone's evacuating." She said, quickly unchaining Scout. She untied his straight jacket next.

"What's going on?" Scout asked.

"The Citadel's going to explode," the lady started, Scout realized the Citadel must be the building he was in, "Dr. Bremen, or as you know him, the masked man didn't come back for you. No one came back for you, so I did." She hurried him out of his cell. Scout couldn't see, and it was hard for him to walk.

"Once you're safe, I'm supposed to give you this antidote. But we can't right now, I'm afraid there's no time." Scout assumed that she held something out in front of her, possibly the antidote for his sickness. They walked for a while, and the lady explained that they needed to get to the Rebels. Soon Scout heard a gunshot. He expected it to hit him, but it didn't. Suddenly, the lady fell, bringing Scout down with her. Scout was too weak to walk on his own.

He soon felt liquid expanding out onto the floor, touching scout's hand. The lady got shot.

If she collapsed, that means she dropped the antidote somewhere. Scout fumbled around for a bit, feeling for the antidote. Eventually, he got something in his hand. It was a syringe. This must be the antidote. Scout thought.

He figured out which side was the sharp side, then stuck the needle in his arm. He winced from the pain. Scout pushed down on the top of the syringe until it went all the way down. Then it went dark.


Sniper made it through the portal, but it closed behind him. That'll bite me in the ass later, for sure. Sniper sighed. He didn't know what to do next. He looked out into the horizon, not missing the huge tower that reached up into the clouds.

Maybe Scout could be in there. Sniper considered the possibility. He needed to get on high ground to see how far away the tower was. Sniper looked around, only seeing rubble, broken or burning buildings, and cars. That's it, a car! Sniper could stand on one of them. He looked to see which car he could actually stand on to get enough leverage. One was on fire, one was smashed in, and the last one was upside down. Yes, the last one would be wobbly, but it was better than nothing.

Sniper paced up to the car. He needed to be quick; there was no knowledge of what could be out there in this city. Once Sniper reached the flipped car, he jumped onto it in one swift motion. On top of that car, he couldn't see much more than on foot, but it was enough to see how much daylight he had left.

Sniper squinted his eyes, the sun coming out from behind the clouds. The sun was setting. It was soon to be night, which was not good for Sniper. He didn't get enough leverage from the car to see how far the tower was. He needed to try a building next. He turned around, spotting a building that should be big enough. There should be a ladder on that building somewhere. Sniper thought. He leaped off of the car, the opposite side that he had got on it, and stepped on something. It was sticky.

Please not be blood. Yes, Sniper did see a lot of dead bodies, but this place just made him feel. . . Off. He looked down and saw some sort of green substance. He lifted his foot up in disgust, and the green stuff just stuck to the bottom of his boots.

Where's the source, then? Sniper looked behind him towards the car. He jumped back and fell, scrambling away from the car. He'd never seen anything like it. It was some sort of green bug, a giant bug. Or maybe it was an alien? It sure as hell looked like one, but aliens aren't real!

Sniper was breathing heavily. Is. . . Is it dead? The bug was under the car, crushed. Of course, it was dead. I think it is. . . I hope. Sniper's breathing slowed, and he snuck up to the bug, reaching out his hand to touch it.

As soon as his finger made contact with the bug, it screeched. The bug struggled to get out from under the car. Sniper was freaking out. The bug was trapped, right? It couldn't get him, surely. Eventually, it struggled enough that the car flung off. It roared, then charged at Sniper. He dodged the attack, then ran in the direction opposite it. The bug ran into a wall, making a hard impact. It was dazed for a bit.

I'll have to admit, this bug is bigger than it looked under the car. Sniper stopped, turning to face the bug. He wished that he brought his bow with him, but he had no idea where Medic was going to take the mercs. I swear, once I see him again, he's going to be a dead man.

Adrenaline rushing through his veins, he pulled out his knife. He was going to kill this bug. It charged at Sniper, roaring wildly. Sniper held his knife above his head. The bug was getting closer, but Sniper was ready. He sliced all the way through the bug, splitting it in half once it made an impact with him.

It was dead, but there could be more of them. Sniper moved quickly, making it back to the building he wanted to climb. There was no ladder, but there was a dumpster. He used that to his advantage to get onto the roof. All he could see on the roof was a sliver of the sun as it set in the distance. No... Without the sun's light, he couldn't see the tower. He never realized it was getting dark as he fought the bug. What if there were more of them in the night? What if there were worse? What if Scout wasn't even in that tower? Sniper was going to take his chances, anyway.

I'm going to find Scout, no matter what it takes. Sniper thought as the last sliver of the sun disappeared beyond the horizon. Let's just hope I find him.

[1224 words]


and I hope you got the reference to where they are ;))

feedback is appreciated!

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