chapter VIII || presence

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As the Mercs entered the wormhole, they realized that they weren't going home. They've been taken to a whole different time period that was way further behind.

They were taken to the year of 79 A.D. in Pompeii.
When the mercs left the wormhole, they were greeted by a beautiful view of Mount Vesuvius, and the delicious smell of the food in the nearby cafes.

You could hear "oohs" and "ahs" coming from the mercs. The city was simply fascinating. Good thing no one noticed the mercs getting out of a wormhole, or else they'd probably freak out.

The men of Pompeii wore togas as white as the clouds above them, and sandals brown like the earth beneath them. The women wore colorful stolas, or long pleated dresses, over a white tunic.

The mercs were amazed by the view of Pompeii.
"I never got to see it in person, let alone in its own time period!" Medic announced.

"We should dress like the people in this time period, or else someone might freak out." Engineer stated.

"Umm. . . no! I am not wearing a dress!" Scout argued. Engineer just shrugged.

A nearby man noticed the mercs and inspected the weapons they kept on their belts.

"Those are extraordinary knives you have there," the man continued, "follow me."

The mercs followed the man into an empty alleyway. Well, it looked like an alleyway at least.

"Let me see that knife you have there on your belt." The man announced and pointed at Sniper's kukri.

"This?" Sniper asked, pointing at his kukri also. If the man tried to steal his kukri, he'd kill him. Not beat him up, he'd kill him. But that's a normal thing for the mercenaries anyway.

"Yes. I'll trade you fifteen aureuses for it." The man replied.

"No! I'm not–" Sniper got cut off by Soldier turning him around and shaking him.

"Sniper, if this "aureus" is worth a lot, we could earn luxury in this place!" Soldier whispered.

Sniper looked at the rest of the team to ask for their opinion. The mercs looked at him encouragingly, except for Scout. Scout looked at him with worry. Sniper flashed him a sympathetic look.

He doesn't want me to do it if I don't want to. Sniper thought. He glanced at his teammates, then looked back at Scout.

Sniper turned back to the man. "I'll do it."

They exchanged items, then the man stated, "I've never seen anything like this, thank you, sir!" The man examined the knife then started to walk away.

"Yes! Luxury, here we come!" Soldier jumped out of excitement.

Sniper had fifteen coins that he did not know the value of now, and he didn't know what to do with them.

"Well, at least we can put these to use, and get a place to stay," Sniper stated while the mercs headed out of the alley.

"We should get a house on a hill that overlooks the city!" Soldier was just going crazy about this.

The mercs later found out that the aureuses were worth a lot of money.

They decided to buy a huge house on a hill that did, in fact, overlook the city, and Mount Vesuvius in the distance.

First, however, they decided to eat at a restaurant in Pompeii. There was amazing food there. There was fish, chicken, bread, and more. By the time they ate, the sun started to set.

The mercs started to head back before the sky became pitch black. The sun was already setting, and it was becoming darker within each minute.

"I wonder how long we'll be here," Scout announced.
"I don't know," Sniper stated. Soon the mercs were almost up the hill to their new house. The house, in person, was gorgeous.

The house was all white on the walls, and the roof was a dark red color.

There were bushes surrounding the house on all sides. The mercs were amazed.

On the inside, however, it was even more fascinating than on the outside.

Soon the mercs were settled in their rooms. Sniper was sitting on the balcony, just outside his room. You really could see the whole city from the house. Sniper sighed and looked out towards the horizon.

The city of Pompeii was quiet from the house, but you could see all of the lights. It was even more beautiful at night than during the day.

This city was really beautiful before Mount Vesuvius erupted. What if we're in that time period? Sniper wondered.

Suddenly there was a knock at his door.

"Come in," Sniper called without looking behind him. It was Scout.

Scout walked in and shut the door behind him. He walked out to the balcony and sat down next to Sniper.

"Hey," Scout greeted him.

"Hey." Sniper didn't look away from the city.

"You didn't have to do that, you know." Scout glanced at Sniper, then looked at what Sniper was so interested in. It was Pompeii.

"Do what?" Sniper glanced at Scout.

"Sell your knife."

"It's a kukri." Sniper chuckled.

Scout laughed. "Pompeii's really beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yup." Sniper agreed. Sniper looked at Scout and he was amazed by the city just as Sniper was. The light from the stars above and the city in front of them shone on Scout's face.

Scout had a warm expression on his face. The city seemed to calm him. Or was it Sniper's presence?

[901 words]

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