chapter IV || relief

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"We'll have to set up camp," Sniper announced.

"I never heard of zombies in the history books," Scout said.

"Me neither. Maybe we messed with time. Done something weren't supposed to do, or killed someone who wasn't supposed to die." Sniper added.

"I miss the rest of the team," Scout announced after a while.

"Me, too, mate." Sniper agreed.

"I wonder how long we're gonna be here. What if I never get to see Ma again?" Scout said. He had tears welling in his eyes.

"Hey, it'll be alright. We'll make it out. If we don't, you'll have me and the rest of the team, if we can find them." Sniper reassured Scout.

"Thanks, Sniper," Scout said.

"No problem, mate," Sniper said, "now, we should get far enough away from the zombies before we set up camp."

"Alright," Scout yawned. The sun was setting. It was turning from a hot, scorching day, to a cool, relaxing night. Soon Sniper and Scout had their camp set up.

"You can go ahead and sleep. I'll keep watch." Sniper insisted.

"No, it's alright. I'll stay up to keep you company. I'm not tired anyway." Scout turned down the offer.

"Thanks, mate." Sniper smiled.

"No problem, buddy." Scout smiled back.

"I was waiting to give you these when we got to safety," Sniper says whilst reaching into his bag, "here." Sniper hands Scout some medicine. He opens the bottle and pops a pill into his mouth.

"What is this stuff?" Scout asked Sniper.

"Some sort of pain relief," Sniper said.

"Thanks," Scout said.

Then they heard growling. Wait, I already said that. This time it isn't wolves, It's zombies.

Zombies come from all over. They kill the horses and are now after Sniper and Scout.

"Scout, run!" Sniper took out his kukri and kills some zombies. Scout grabbed Sniper's shoulders so he would face him.

"I'm not leaving you! You did a lot for me, so I'm not going to leave." Scout argued.

"Okay, fine," Sniper handed Scout a knife, and they started killing zombies.

"By the way, why do you have so many knives?" Scout asked.

"One can never have too many!" Sniper chuckled.

They killed multiple zombies, and there were no more. A few minutes passed, and more zombies showed up.

"I wish we would've brought our guns with us," Scout announced.

"Me, too." Sniper agreed. The zombies just kept on coming.

"We need to get out of here!" Sniper announced. He grabbed Scout's wrist and they ran as fast as they could.

It was pitch black, and it was raining heavily. The ground was muddy and slippery.

Scout and Sniper ran as fast as they could. They were running out of breath, but they kept on running. They tried to get away, but they didn't see the cliff in front of them. . .


Scout groaned and sat up, his head pounding.

"Are you okay?" A man asks.

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