chapter XV || betrayal

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    During the rest of the days while Scout was resting, all he could think about was Sniper. He thought about them being together, it made him happy. But then he thought about what would happen if they became more than friends. Scout was still confused. He never was with a guy before. He never even liked a guy this way before, but all he needed to know was that Sniper made him feel happy. That's all he needed.

After those few days, it was finally time for the mercs to go home, back to base. Scout's healing was finally showing progress, the black streaks have faded and shrunk. "Who's all ready?" Engineer asked as he walked into the living room of the house. All of the mercs were in there waiting for Engie to get done with the time machine. The mercs made sure that they got everything that they wanted to bring back with them (for souvenirs).

Engineer pressed a few buttons to set the time that he wanted to go back to, then pressed another that opened a wormhole. The mercs couldn't wait, so they all ran to go in before the others. Once they all got it sorted out and made it through the wormhole, the mercs realized something: they weren't at the base. Hell, it didn't even look like the desert landscape that it was in! They were in a city, a beautiful one, and they were on the water. On a boat.

On that boat, there was a man painting. He was painting the very city in front of them. "Umm... hey, fella? Pardon me. Mind telling us what city this is?" Engineer asked.

"Oh, do you not know? It is the city of Florence! Wait—!" The man turned around, "How did you get on my boat?"

"Uhm... we swam?" Medic answered when no one else would say anything. The man didn't say anything, he just looked at them weirdly. The team was completely dry, after all. The man obviously wouldn't believe them. He looked up just as storm clouds started rolling in. "I don't believe you, but we need to get to the shore before the storm starts," He said, "by the way, my name is Jaques."

Jaques took the mercs to shore and wished them luck on their visit to the city. "So. . . Where are we going to start?" Scout asked.

"Before anyone answers any other questions, you need to answer mine, Engie! Where the hell are we? This isn't the base! I wanted to get back to dominating the BLU team with my fists!" Soldier pointed an accusing finger at Engineer.

"I—I don't know. . ." Engineer took his helmet off and rubbed his head. "I thought I had it all figured out. It could be that someone messed with the time machine back at the base, but we're all here."

"Except for one. . . Spy. He never came into the time machine with us, he's back at the base. Maybe he's the one who messed with the time machine." Medic said.

"But why would Spy betray us like that?" Scout asked.

"I don't know, but we need to find out." Engineer stated.

[529 words]

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