chapter XIV || friends?

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    "...Snipes...?" He heard a weak mumble from behind him.

    "Scout?" Sniper jumped around. Scout had gotten out of bed. He was alive! He looked dead, but he was alive! They ran towards each other. Scout wrapped his arms around Sniper's neck and kissed him, pressing their mouths together and breathing in each others' smells. Sniper was surprised for a second but after, he kissed back.

    Sniper ran his fingers through Scout's hair. "I love you, Scout."

    "I love you, too," Scout said. They both had tears in their eyes.

✰𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚙✰

    After Scout had woken from his coma, Sniper went to go tell the rest of the mercs. They were thrilled that Scout was alive! Plus, if Scout hadn't survived, the BLU team would have the advantage of having a Scout and not them, so that's a bonus. Medic made his way up to the room that Scout was staying in, to tell him that he should rest for a few days. The time machine was fully charged, but Scout was in bad condition to time travel. He needed the rest first.

    First of all, Scout had been in a coma for about a week. Second, he looked like he was dead, well he practically came back from it. He can't even walk with the condition he's in.

    During the few days that Scout was getting his rest, Sniper brought food up for him. To heal, he needed to eat. So far, the black spot showed no sign of shrinking or fading away. He had begun to walk a bit. The only thing, though, was that Scout was impatient. He wanted to get away from Pompeii. Maybe his dreams were telling him something. Pompeii could erupt any time now.

    One night, Scout stayed up. He couldn't sleep. He had slept the whole day. He looked outside and noticed the beautiful stars. It looked just as it had that one night when he sat on the balcony with Sniper. He got up, which he wasn't supposed to do without one of the mercs there to help him. He didn't care. He walked out onto the balcony and gazed at the stars. The night air felt good. He felt fine for once. The moon was out. The stars were glowing brightly. He leaned over the railing, still looking at the sky. He'd never felt so alive.

    But there was one question stuck in Scout's head that needed an answer. What was Sniper to him? Were they friends? More than friends? He didn't know. He was starting to doubt that they could even be together. They could be kicked off the RED team. Romances might not be allowed. Scout looked down, still thinking. He let out a sigh.

    "What's wrong?" Scout was startled by Sniper suddenly speaking. "I came in to check on you and I see you out here all along. Something wrong?"

    Scout wanted to ask Sniper, but he didn't know how to. "No, I just wanted to see the view." He lied. But it was more like a half-lie, he did want to see the view.

    "Alright." Sniper walked up to the railing and leaned on it like Scout was doing. "It is beautiful. The sky, I mean."

    "Yeah," Scout said, then there was silence for a while. Just the both of them looking out into the sky, hoping to find the answers to the questions they ask. "Hey, Snipes?" Scout started.

    "Yeah?" Sniper looked at him.

    Scout turned to him and asked, "do you think we'll ever get home?"

    Sniper thought for a second, then answered, "yeah. I hope that we will." He turned back to looking at the sky, but Scout didn't. Sniper had his sunglasses off, so Scout saw the wonder in Sniper's eyes as the stars reflected off of them. After a few seconds, which felt like minutes to Scout, Sniper turned to him.

    "I've been meaning to ask," Scout finally got to it, "what are we?"

    "Whatever you want us to be," Sniper stated.

    Scout gulped. "I don't know yet."

    "That's okay. I'll wait for your decision." Sniper smiled.

[687 words]

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