chapter III || roadkill

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"What was that? Who's there?" Sniper stood up. Scout tried standing up, but Sniper wouldn't let him. He pulled out his gun.

"Damn, I'm such an idiot! Why would I choose a camp in the middle of the woods? Of course, there's gonna be wolves!" Sniper cursed at himself.

They heard more growling, and then a wolf was visible. The horses were going crazy.

"Scout, we need to go. Can you walk to the horses?" Sniper asked and backed up slowly. He helped Scout up, and he stumbled to the horses.

The guy that was there before them also had a horse. It's easier to get away now.

Sniper shot at the wolf once, then he was out of bullets. "Dammit!" Sniper cursed. He ran to the horses and helped Scout on his. "We need to go," Sniper cautioned, "We have no more bullets, and this wolf could kill us.

Sniper untied the horses and quickly hopped on his. They kicked their horses and galloped off.


Soon it was dawn, and RED team still couldn't find Sniper and Scout. "Where the hell could they be?" Soldier shouted.

"It's been all night. I wonder if they've been captured," Engineer wondered.

"Nein! They are smart! We'll find them," Medic reassured them. RED team had met up with their supplies and set up camp overnight.

Pyro was still sleeping, Heavy was cooking something, and Soldier, Engineer, Medic, and Demoman were searching for Sniper and Scout.

They were walking back from searching. "If we would leave now, we would have to leave Sniper and Scout behind, because it would be hard to get back," Engineer continued as Soldier was about to chime in, "and that's something I wouldn't do."

"Good. We're not leaving any teammates behind," Soldier agreed. When they got back to camp, Heavy finished making food.

Suddenly, a weird, green-looking portal opens, and a man with blue, spiky hair jumps out. A second later, a boy with brown hair jumps out. The team grabs out the guns that they stole.

"Who the hell are you?" Soldier asks.

"Morty, it looks like we're *burp* in the wrong place," The man says to the boy, "let's go." They walk through another portal and it disappears.

"What the--" Engineer gets interrupted, again, by Demoman.

"He's *burp* like me!" Demoman announces.

"Really? You interrupt me again?" Engineer argued. Demoman shrugs and takes a sip of his rum.

Engineer lets out a sigh and sits by Pyro, who is trying, but failing to eat his food.


"Where are we going?" Scout asks, exhausted.

"I don't know, but we need to let the horses rest a bit," Sniper hopped off his horse. He looked up at the scorching sun.

Sniper walks over to Scout and helps him off his horse. He pulls out a flask and gives it to Scout.

"No, you need some as much as I do," Scout refused.

"You're the one that's injured, mate," Sniper gives Scout the flask and he drinks it.

"Thanks, it feels like I haven't had water in forever," Scout chuckled. Sniper smiled.

"Wait, is that a town?" Sniper announced. In the distance, there was a town.

"Finally!" Scout spoke.

"You stay here," Sniper handed a knife to Scout, "I'm gonna check out this town, stay safe."

Sniper got on his horse and set out towards the village.

As Sniper neared the village, he noticed something was off. "Hello?" Sniper called out. No answer.

"This is weird," Sniper said under his breath. He got off his horse and crept into a building that looked like it would have medicine in it. He swung open the door and. . . nothing. No one was there. Odd. Sniper looked around for a bit and found some medicine.

"Jackpot!" Sniper stated. He grabbed a few things.

"Ick. It smells like roadkill here," Sniper gagged.

He hurried into the next room and saw someone lying dead and rotten on the floor.

"What the hell?" Sniper shrieked. The dead man looked at him directly and got up.

"What is going on?" Sniper grabbed out a knife and sliced the man's head off.

"Am I going crazy?" Sniper muttered to himself. He walked outside and saw even more dead people walking around.

"Bloody hell!" Sniper shouted. He put the medicine in his bag and ran to his horse before the zombies could get to him. He trekked back to Scout.

Seriously, why is this place so much like Red Dead Redemption?" Scout shrieked.

"What even is that?" Sniper asked.

"Nothing. If you played video games, you would understand." Scout sighed. They were finding their way back to the rest of the team.

"I wonder how the rest of the team's doing," Scout wondered.


"AHAHAHAHA!" Heavy screamed hysterically while killing multiple zombies with his minigun.

"Heavy, how the hell did you get your minigun?" Engineer shouted while killing zombies with a machete.

"I brought it. Why, did you not bring yours?" Heavy answered.


"Probably good," Sniper answered Scout's question.

        "Probably good," Sniper answered Scout's question

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