chapter X || wish

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"Wake up, sleepyhead!" Soldier boomed in Scout's ear, causing him to jump. Soldier did this to everyone in the house.

Soon everyone met up in the main room, except for Sniper.

Where could he be? Scout thought. Then he remembered. He's probably at his shooting range.

"Are you girls ready to eat?" Soldier joked.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered, except for Scout.

"Hey, Soldier?" Scout said to get his attention.

"Yes?" Soldier asked.

"I'm not going to go to eat. I've got something I need to do." Scout stated.

"Alright!" Soldier said, then marched out the door with the rest of the mercs.

After the mercs left, Scout went outside and found Sniper at the shooting range, drawing his bow back.

Scout decided to watch Sniper shoot for a bit. He made two bullseyes already, and when he released the bowstrings, he made another. "Good Job!" Scout cheered.

Sniper jumped. He turned around to look at Scout.

"How long have you been standing there, mate?" Sniper asked.

"Not long." Scout replies.

Sniper laughed. "You scared me. Did you bring your knife?"

"Nah, I didn't really think about bringing it. I'll just watch you if that's okay." Scout stated.

"Of course, mate," Sniper said, then drew his bowstrings again.

After Sniper used up all of his arrows, Sniper walked down to the target to retrieve them. When he got back, Scout smiled. "You're good at that, Snipes. Shooting, I mean."

"Thanks. Wanna try?" Sniper asked.

"Yeah!" Scout answered. Sniper handed Scout the bow and stuck the arrows in the ground in front of him.

"What's your dominant arm?" Sniper asked.

"My right," Scout answered, not knowing what to do with the thing in his hands.

"Okay, hold the bow with your left hand, and hold the bowstrings with your right." Sniper instructed.

After Sniper explained how to shoot a bow, Scout concentrated hard for his first shot and managed to make it within the red ring on the target. "Good job, mate!" Sniper cheered.

"Thanks!" Scout smiled.

Soon it turned to dusk, and the mercs got hungry. They stopped shooting the bow and started walking towards Pompeii. They'd find the rest of the team there.

"You did a good job for your first time shooting." Sniper smiled.

"Thanks, and you too. . . except it wasn't your first time shooting, so. . ." Scout rambled.

"Am I rambling?" Scout asked.

"Yeah." Sniper chuckled.

"Sorry. . ." Scout laughed.

"You don't need to apologize. It's alright, mate."

Sniper and Scout finally found the rest of the mercs at a restaurant. They decided to join them.

"Where have you two been?" Engineer teased. Scout blushed at that, but thankfully no one noticed it.

"Shooting. I set up a shooting range near the house." Sniper stated casually.

"Alrighty." Engineer said.

"I bet this food is going to be good," Scout said to start a conversation between him and Sniper. They both were currently looking at their menus.

"Yeah. This Italian Baccala looks good." Sniper showed Scout what he was looking at on the menu.

"Yeah, but I'm probably just going to get the Fettuccine Alfredo, though," Scout stated.

The waitress came around to their table sometime after that, and the mercs ordered their drinks, and soon after, their food came to their table.

"Thanks." Scout and Sniper thanked the waitress.

"No problem!" She smiled, then left.

"This looks so good," Scout said. He grabbed his fork and twirled it in the fettuccine alfredo a bit. Sniper grabbed his, too and took a bite of his Italian Baccala.

"This is delicious," Scout stated.

Sniper smiled and nodded. Once he swallowed another bite he had taken, he answered, "yup."

Scout chuckled. "I'm so glad that we're in a nonviolent time period. The Wild West freaked me out."

Sniper wanted to say that they might be in the time when Mount Vesuvius erupts, but he didn't want to worry Scout.

When the mercs were finished with their food, they decided to hang out in the city for a while. The city was lit up from all of the buildings. You could see the stars above them, but a little bit faint due to the bright lights of the city. A few citizens of the city were walking past them. Some others were singing and dancing. Tonight must've been a festival or something.

"Guys, the time travel gun is halfway charged." Engineer announces.

"So maybe another day or two here." Medic stated.

"Well, at least we're enjoying our time here." Sniper thought. If he still has leftover coins when they get back to the base, he could sell them for even more money. Roman coins are worth a lot.

Soon the mercs felt tired, so they headed back home. Most of the mercs just went straight to their room to go to sleep. Demoman was drunk, so Heavy had to carry him over his shoulders all the way up to the house.

The mercs liked being away from their job for a while. They liked being at Pompeii. Who wouldn't? It was very beautiful and cultural, and the mercs got to see it before Mount Vesuvius exploded.

Scout and Sniper, as always, went out to the balcony to view the stars.

"You realize that we're in one of the most dangerous places on Earth, due to Mount Vesuvius?" Sniper asks, snapping Scout out of his focus on the stars.

"Yeah. I just hope it doesn't erupt soon. I'm starting to like Pompeii." Scout admits and glances at Sniper.

The mercs look back up at the stars.

"Look, a shooting star! Make a wish!" Scout smiles, jabbing a finger into the sky where a streak of light is shooting across the sky.

"Did you make a wish?" Sniper asks.

"Yeah, but I can't tell you!" Scout laughs.

Sniper laughs, too.

After a few conversations and stargazing, Sniper felt something lay on his shoulder. Scout was leaning on him. Sniper smiled and let Scout lean on him.

[989 words]

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