chapter XI || headache

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Scout rubbed his eyes, not knowing where he was for a second. The last place he remembered where he was, was with Sniper. He was in Sniper's room. On Sniper's bed. How did I get here? Scout thought. Sniper must've brought me here. Maybe I accidentally fell asleep.

He sat up, yawned, then looked around. Sniper wasn't in the room, and the house was surprisingly quiet. He got out of bed slowly, then walked outside to the balcony. He was pretty tired still, so he decided that looking at the sunrise and the city would do him some good.

"Holy fucking shit." Scout jumped back as his eyes drifted up towards mount Vesuvius. That sure woke him up. Layers upon layers of dark smoke and ash were shooting up from the volcano. The ground had shifted, and the entire landscape was being torn apart. There were hundreds of small cracks in the ground that were burning with heat and light. He saw it all.

The sky, which had been mostly cloudless, had gone dark. The wind had shifted to a gale, and the clouds were now whipped about by the tempestuous winds. A thick fog had formed as a thick, black mist settled over the whole area.

The light of Vesuvius had vanished.

The volcano had started spewing lava into the air. He turned back around and ran inside. He needed to find Sniper. The sound of a small explosion echoed from the volcano as Scout sprinted through the house. No one was anywhere to be seen.

Scout had already looked all around the house. He looked around and the sound of an explosion rang out, followed by the sound of footsteps. Then it was completely silent. He suddenly wasn't able to move.

All of a sudden, Scout felt a cold hand touch his shoulder that send shivers down his spine. The touch burned. He still wasn't able to move. He was starting to panic. What is going on?! Scout thought. Then he heard the words: "you've been creating... disturbances..."

He shot up out of bed, sweat rolling down his face. He was breathing hard. It was all a dream...

When he felt a little bit better, he went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He had dark circles under his eyes, and he had a pain in his left shoulder. He took off his shirt, revealing a black handprint on his shoulder. There were streaks almost like black lightning running down his chest.

Scout touched the handprint and it burned. He winced. All he felt was throbbing pain shooting all throughout his body. He felt like he was dying. How could a dream actually have effects on my body? And what was that thing? Scout thought. His head was starting to hurt from all of this thinking. He knew he had to hide this from the team, especially Sniper. Who knows what they all would say.

Scout put back on his shirt, and headed out of the bathroom. Sniper wasn't in the room, and it was already almost full daylight outside. Scout walked out onto the balcony. The sun was bright and warm against the fog that hung low on the fascinating city before him. He looked at the sky, the city, and the fog. It was so beautiful. The fog was thick and the sunlight shined down onto it in beautiful rays that had been separated through the clouds.

The fog had kind of reminded Scout of his dream last night. No! He won't think about that. It already gave him chills just by the slightest mention of it. It was the one thing he knew he'd never forget. But he had to know what it meant. So he went back inside to get ready to go out.

When Scout was ready, he opened the drawer in his dresser and pulled out a knife. Just in case... Scout thought. He slid the knife in his pocket, and put on a jacket so no one would see the handprint on his shoulder, and left the house. Once he made it to the restaurant he and the mercs always went to for breakfast, he saw everyone, then went to sit with them.

"Hey, Snipes." Scout greeted Sniper as he sat down in the chair across from him.

"G'day. You wouldn't wake up this morning, so I was just planning to bring back breakfast for you. But here you are." Sniper laughed. The rest of the mercs were having their own conversation with each other.

"Yeah," Scout said.

They all ordered breakfast at the restaurant and ate. The mercs were already done with their food, but Scout hadn't touched his. "Why aren't you eating your food, mate?" Sniper asked.

"Not hungry." Scout stated. Suddenly, pain started shooting down his left arm. Scout grunted in pain.

"You okay?" Sniper asked with worry.

"Fine. Just— just excuse me for a second." Scout got up abruptly and walked off towards the nearest bathroom. He lifted up his shirt, and the sight still horrified him, except it was worse. The handprint was not a handprint anymore. It was a big patch of blackness. The streaks were running further down than they were before. His arm was a mix of hot and cold burning.

Scout looked down at his hands, and his skin was glowing in a strange red-orange color. He turned to face the door to the bathroom, and the first thing he saw was the wall of the room lit up in the same red-orange color. It's on... fire? How? There was something really strange going on with him. He blinked, and the room was back to normal.

Scout looked back down at his hands. They were normal. He looked back up. It was normal. He was sweating profusely. His breathing was hard and uneven. He put his hand on his forehead and slid to the ground. A few minutes later, he came to and started to stand up. He then fell again. He was still sweating. What is going on with me? Scout thought.

He finally was able to stand. He was a bit wobbly, and had a bit of a headache, but he could cope. He opened the door, and headed back to where the rest of the mercs were. He was still sweating continuously, but that didn't stop him. When he got to the table, he fell on it by accident, the mercs knew something was up.

Scout stood up with the help of Heavy and Sniper. "Scout, you don't look so good. We should get you back to the house where I can examine—" Medic started, but was cut off by Scout.

"I'm fine!" Scout yelled.


"I said I'm f—" Scout tried to yell, but puked. He puked out black liquid. That wasn't normal for someone to puke out. He fell to his knees, and puked the same black liquid again. Then everything went black.

[1160 words]

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