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I haven't read your books but I am going to go check it out whenever I can, I genuinely loved your interview so much, its literally one of the best. I loved reading it every single time and I am highly impressed nievol .

I can guarantee every single person reading this will love it so much!!!

Who motivated you to start writing?

No one to be precise. As much crazy as it sounds, it was just my instinct kicking me to write my thoughts out. I'm quite instinctive as a person. And writing on wattpad was as random as that. I just wrote something - I literally have had no idea about; and ended up giving it a plot and making it a story thereafter.


Where do you get inspiration for your content from?

My imaginations and experiences. My writings are a mixture of either the things I've experienced, or things I've wanted. I love the space I create with my thoughts and try my bit to bring it out through words.


Did you ever expect your book to flourish to such an extent?

I did not actually. I can never explain what I feel, every time I receive the messages, the comments, the story mentions; I treasure them. I've said this so many times, and will continue to do so - had it not been the readers, I wouldn't published half of the works I did. It's unbelievable and surreal.

How do you tackle haters?

I've not received any hate of that intensity, tbh. But the 'Dusk' series I wrote, was pretty controversial, and certainly didn't meet the expectations of a lot of readers; I'm blessed enough to actually have my readers say that genuinely. There's a lot who loved it too. So it goes hand in hand you see. Also, constructive criticisms are blessings in disguise. Learning and unlearning is a part of the craft. Criticisms help me deal with that part.

Truly spoken!

Outside and inside Wattpad, name your top 3 favorite writers?

I am not that much of a reader. So can't quite name a bunch outside wattpad. But John Green has been ruling the mass since ages, and I'm no exception. And inside wattpad, there are manyyyy! So difficult to name a few.

How often do you update your books?

VERY frequently. It irritates me if I can't update once in two three days. And if situations doesn't allow me to, I unpublished the book lol. But I try to update at least twice a week.


How long does it take you to write a chapter and how many words does it usually contain?

It depends actually. If I'm on a writing spree, I might as well complete 3 chapters in a day. And the either way goes with me taking two three days to finish a single chapter. And I generally tend to keep my chapters short. So it goes around 1k words maximum.

If offered, will you want to collaborate with a writer and write a book?

I did actually. I was working on two books with two different writers, but the sync is necessary you see. Both the books are on hold as of now. But perhaps will not be thinking of a collaboration anytime soon, considering I am myself in a huge writers block.

How did you come up with your username?

Well, it was, something instinctive. It just happened to be kicking my instinct to come up with, so here I'm.

What kind of reactions do you expect from your readers?

Genuine. That's it. As I've said, criticisms are a part of growing up in any kind of craft you choose, and genuine and real compliments can do wonders to both the craft and the creator.

How did you discover Wattpad?

One of my favorite author was writing her first book here, and that made it a mandate for me to join Wattpad.

When did you start writing?

I loved writing short poetries, scribbles, stories ever since I was a kid. But if I've to actually mark a starting point, it'd be after I joined wattpad, that I've actually started constructively working towards it.

What do you like most and least about writing?

The thing that I love the most about writing is the world that it helps me to create. It's like creating a happy place for me, with everything I've ever wanted.

And the worst thing is the irritation it gives when I can't write. I'm used to writing so often since the last two years or more, that the last few months I wasn't able to write, have made me feel suffocated.

What is the reason for your writing?

My Muse.

If you could be any character out of any of your book who would you choose and why?

Virat of A little More. The character I tried to portray with him is very rare, and someone I felt is extremely brave and real. People with that much positivity and optimism is hard to be found. Also, Rhea from GAUL. I thought the backdrop of her character is pretty strong, although her breakdown made me cringe at places.

What is one advice you would give to a new writer?

The only advice I would want to share is to never stop writing. That is the worst thing you can do to your craft. No matter what where how, just let your thoughts out through your words. Trust me, it's a beautiful world here.

An amazing bit of advice!

Your most welcome to shower the comment section on the opinion on this interview and do go check her books out, just like interview her books are next level!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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