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There's a change in format the writer's answer is in italics only...

Since the start, I have received many requests of an interview of you, and finally I asked you if you would like to give an interview, you have many fans apparently and they all would want to know so much more about you.

Let's start this so awaited interview!

Who motivated you to start writing?

No one really. I have always enjoyed reading books and fanfiction as a kid. Then one day I was looking for a particular kind of fanfic and could not find anything to hold my interest. So I just started writing. I wrote down ideas and scenes I would have liked to read and that's how I started writing.

Where do you get inspiration for your content from?

Usually inspiration comes from what's around me. It can be song lyrics, the weather, a line from
literature. When the inspiration strikes I develop the scenes around that idea.

That's awesome!

Did you ever expect your book to flourish to such an extent?

Never. I never thought that people will read and like my work so much. I never really understood this until I saw people recommending my work to others and re-reading the same story multiple times. The love is overwhelming!


How do you tackle haters?

Don't know any haters that have been vocal with me. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I welcome constructive criticism. But thankfully I haven't encountered any haters.


Outside and inside Wattpad, name your top 3 favorite writers?

Nora Roberts, Kristan Higgins, multiple fanfic authors. Erishedwitch45 is a good writer in the Bepannaah fandom. Julianna154ever is also talented.

How often do you update your books?

I tend to write the whole story before posting them. Before, my readers would wait for months for an update and I felt terrible. So now, I completely write my fanfics or a good chunk of it and then post so updates are fast.

How long does it take you to write a chapter and how many words does it usually contain?

Depends on how inspired I am. If I am inspired, a chapter can take me a few hours. But sometimes it can take me days to complete. I am not sure about word count but I like to make each chapter around 3-5 pages in length.

If offered, will you want to collaborate with a writer and write a book?

I am not sure. Maybe if I know the person and know the kind of writing they do. Since every writer has their own style it can be hard sometimes to collaborate.

Totally agree with you!

How did you come up with your username?

My username was my India Forums user name I created years ago, a hint of my admiration for Shahrukh Khan. My fanfics are mostly of ITV couples and I typically posted my work on India Forums. Keeping the same name on wattpad just seemed easy and so I stuck with it.

What kind of reactions do you expect from your readers?

I just want them to enjoy the story and have a feeling of happiness and completeness when they finish.
Like, that was an enjoyable read. I want them to see the emotions of the characters...root for them...be happy for them...feel for them.

How did you discover Wattpad?

I was on India Forums and saw an author mention wattpad. That is how I found out about it.

When did you start writing?

I started writing in high school and developed my writing style over the years. So that was around 12 years ago.

What do you like most and least about writing?

The thing I like least about writing is how time consuming it can be. "Saiyyan" took me around 6 months to write and though I love writing, work and my personal life does not permit that kind of time to write all the time.

What I love about writing is being able to tell a story. I am able to create a world that has nothing to do with reality and also transfer readers to this world that I have created.

What is the reason for your writing?

Pure enjoyment. I simply write because I like to write. I like taking characters and telling a story. Having people enjoy the story is a really nice bonus.

If you could be any character out of any of your book who would you choose and why?

If I had to choose, I would choose Zoya from "Love in the Ice". When writing her character, I wanted her to be someone strong willed and have a big heart. Being loud or sassy doesn't always equal to strong women. Zoya in "Love in the Ice" was quiet, just like in the show Bepannaah, and she was strong enough to look past Aditya's mistakes and forgive him. I would like to have a big enough heart that is able to forgive as well. Going back to Aditya doesn't mean she was weak as a character, but she forgave Aditya when she saw that he meant it. So I choose Zoya from "Love in the Ice".

What is one advice you would give to a new writer?

To really focus on grammar. Bad grammar and lack of sentence structure makes it really hard to read any story. For example, don't over use exclamation marks, question marks, and run on sentences. Use quotation marks for dialogues and describe the situations. I see too many times there is no description of the scene, which makes it hard to picture what is happening.
Lastly, I would recommend that they think of a theme and develop it throughout the story. Don't try to do too much with the storyline and throw in random characters or curb balls. Introduce the characters and build the storylines.

For sure!

Anything you had like to add?
Just want to thank all my readers who have showered so much love and appreciation on my fanfics. I never imagined that my work would get so much attention. People will literally talk about it in chats, recite dialogues, and recommend to other readers. It's a huge honor and I hope to always write and live up to the expectations.

Your most welcome to shower the comment section on the opinion on this interview and do go check her books out, just like JCluvs_srk interview her books are next level!

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