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Our second guest invited to answer our most wanted questions is @Imaan00 who writes incredibly amazing books and is a habitual writer!

 @Imaan00 also motivates her readers in religional concepts and I absolutely love her book especially "Her Unwanted Husband" which is my favorite and strengthens my faith too.

Who motivated you to start writing?

My best friend.


Where do you get inspiration for your content from?

 Real life and people close to me.

Did you ever expect your book to flourish to such an extent?

Uh well not really.

 How do you tackle haters?

I don't have to deal with them, weirdly. But the best way is to ignore them. 


Outside and inside wattpad, name your top 3 favorite writers?

 Sarah J. Maas, Taherah Mafi, and IIiizz15.

How often do you update your books?

Once a week when I'm busy, otherwise every day.

Wow. That's so regular! 

How long does it take you to write a chapter and how many words does it usually contain?

It takes me about an hour to write around 1000 words.

If offered, will you want to collaborate with a writer and write a book?

 Definitely! Especially if it's my best friend.

 What kind of reactions do you expect from your readers?

I don't expect anyone to actually like my stories because sometimes I don't write good chapters; that is when I'm not in the mood.

 How did you discover wattpad?

 I was just randomly on the phone and came across wattpad. 

When did you start writing?

 A year and a half ago.

 What do you like most and least about writing? 

I like that I can convey my feelings through meager letters and words and sentences. But when I'm not in the mood, I can't write.

 What is the reason for your writing?

To convey the message of Islam in various aspects of life for the youth and the people that are struggling.

 If you could be any character out of any of your book who would you choose and why?

I would want to be Nur from Delving Deeper. I would love to have five older brothers and umm ... accidentally get married to a Turkish man who is in my class.

Umm I was halfway through this book and here it's spoilt. *cries*

What is one advice you would give to a new writer?

Don't compare your writing with other people. You're unique and you have a different way of writing.

Thank you so much @Imaan00 for being part of this interview. It was lovely to know about you!

Thanks a lot for adding this book to your library or giving it a chance.

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